The Bad Boy Wants The Athlete

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The Bad Boy Wants The Athlete


It's the 15th of August, the month where you can see the finale of summer. You can feel it slowly moving at first and you'll feel it moving fast. Once you realize that you have weeks left to accomplish everything you've been wanting to achieve, you'll start to feel anxious and feel a sense of pressure. When the week finally ends, you'll start to panic now because you haven't done a single fucking thing the entire summer.

That's exactly how I felt the entire summer. I was a little productive, kind of. I spent my summer going to school and play basketball in the gym or play soccer on the field. Principal Celestia was nice enough to let students use the gym. Actually, half of the varsity team also stayed in school for summer. Half of them went looking for a job.

I was planning to find a job, but I don't know where I can actually fit in. I want to work somewhere more professional, but not professional like doctor's level or anything, professional like I need to get a good pay and where your boss treats everyone equally. My friends have been pushing me to get a job at a sports center or anything, but I just hate the thought of dealing with people. Everyone knows I'm impatient and impulsive. Twilight works at a library, her job sounds pretty fun. Applejack and Rarity have their own businesses, Fluttershy at pet shops, Pinkie Pie works at a cafe while Sunset works at a fucking sushi restaurant.

Speaking of my friends, they decided to crash at my house this afternoon and now we're all hanging out on my house's lounge on the second floor. I thought it was annoying that they all dropped by here without letting me know, but this happened for too many times already that I'm used to it. Good thing is that they bought take out from Sunset's job, now we're all eating sushi and sashimi. I still haven't figured out what they're doing here when I told them that I won't be accepting visitors.

"Guys! For the hundredth time," I said while my mouth was chewing sushi, "What are you doing here?"

"Well first of all Dashie we really, really, really miss you and all and secondly, we were gonna invite you to have a slumber party with us!" Pinkie blows her party canon out of nowhere and confetti covers half of the room. I scrunch my nose up and ignored the urge to get mad because this always happens.

"Wow pinkie that was really sappy and of course, as I, being the element of loyalty, accepts your invite. Happy?" I faked a smile and giving them the hint of sarcasm. Not to be rude, but my life is full of chaos right now. I know my squad is called the elements of harmony for some reason but I still don't find inner peace. As stupid as that sounds, I'd actually like to try it.

"Rainbow Dash, please do not speak while your mouth is full." Rarity smiles and I shot her a glare, "Don't tell me what to do."

"Oh and your lounge has been quite filthy since your mom left you for a week here, how's your jobless schedule look like?" Rarity comments as she glances at every corner of the room. I don't care if Rarity's right that I'm unemployed, I got fired from two jobs this summer just because I messed up one time.

I rolled my eyes, "Dude, we're talking about the party, not my house and speaking of my house, you can clean it up by yourself, and I would be very grateful."

"One, don't call me that. Two, your house looks like some tornado just passed by, if I was your mom I'd hire a babysitter because you can't even look after yourself." My friends laughed at Rarity's comment whilst I groaned. Although she was telling the truth, I just need to find my own motivation to do something.

The pillows were thrown down the floor considering I kicked it down when I was hanging around the lounge watching YouTube. Wrappers and papers are piling up seeing that I haven't thrown the garbage out yet for these past few days because I was drawing something that week out of boredom. The DVDs were in one stack out of the drawer. In conclusion, the house looks like a mess since my mom left.

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