What I Wish To See In Future Doctor Who Series

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With Series 9 over, I started thinking about what I want to see on future series of Doctor Who. 

Here's a list. Comment below and tell me what you guys wanna see next series. :)

1. More diversity between Doctors and companions 

I love all the Doctors (except 6 and 11 {11 was okay but honestly, as I'd before, one of my least favorites]), but I'd love to see some diversity. The Doctor once said that Timelords can change into an infinite number of forms, but all the Doctors have been white males. Hmm. I'd love to see some diversity. Give us a female Doctor! Give us a non-white Doctor! The white male Doctors have been great (most of them) but I really want to see some diversity. Also some diversity within companions. Two companions weren't white. Two. We need more diversity! Give us some male companions (that aren't in a relationship with the main female companion)! I love all the companions to death (except River Song), but we need some diversity. Gender and color-wise. 

2. Companions who are different than the past companions 

Before you guys freak out, let me explain. I love all the companions (except River Song)! They're completely amazing! Hear me out. Think back to the companions the Doctor's had. They are all basically the same. They all have their own little quirks to them, but overall I don't see a big difference between them. They all want to help the Doctor. They all care about him. They're all strong. They all have to hold the Doctor back sometimes. They all help change the Doctor a bit. They all influence him one way or another. They are all funny at times. They're all smart. They're all quick thinking. See what I mean? They are the same, really. I want to see a companion that's different. Maybe they're more towards the Dark Side rather than the Light (sorry, I'm a nerd :p). Maybe they have a dangerous past. Maybe they end up hurting the Doctor more than helping him. Maybe they push the Doctor to his limits. Maybe they are too nice, maybe the end up dying because they have one very fatal flaw. The list goes on! There are so many more qualities out there that companions can own, but the companions have just seemed to stick to the same qualities and principles. This'll probably make some people unhappy, but this is my honest opinion. 

That's it actually.

I know some people may disagree with my list of two things here. I apologize, but these are things that are really a big deal for me. With the whole thing about the all-white Oscars going around, it just makes me so angry how Hollywood is so racist. It's one of the things that just makes me so, unbelievably, angry. 

Anyway! I'll have some cool things coming up in the future! :D See ya'll soon!

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