End of Time Part 2: Ending Scene

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I don't own the gif and video above. All rights go to their respective owners. 

I'm feeling rather nostalgic for Doctor Who right now, so I've decided to transcribe a very nostalgic and sad scene that landed itself Number One on my Top Ten Saddest Doctor Who Episodes chapter. I'm going to be transcribing the ending scene of End of Time Part 2. Have the Kleenex on hand people, this is gonna get messy. 

I've posted a gif of Rose (the last time we see her) and a video of the regeneration that made us Whovians want to curl up in a ball and give up on life. 

Here you have it. The last scene of End of Time Part 2 (It's going to be written in 3rd person this time, more sentimentality in that I think).


At the sound of the Tardis, Sylvia ran out of the Noble household and next to Wilfred. 

"Oh, she's smiling. As if today wasn't bad enough. Anyway, don't go thinking this is goodbye, Wilf. I'll see you again, one more time." The Doctor said, hands in his pockets to Wilfred. 

Wilfred didn't seem to understand, searching the Doctor's eyes. "What do you mean? When's that?" 

The Doctor looked out into the sky, his gaze vacant and filled with sorrow. "Just keep looking. I'll be there." With those words the Doctor walked away towards his Tardis. 

"Where are you going?" Wilfred asked, his voice filled with desperation.  

"To get my reward."


The Doctor arrived at the abandoned factory where Martha Jones and Mickey Smith were running from explosions, guns in hand. The two sported new looks, the Doctor noted, Martha with sweet dreadlocks and Mickey with some great facial hair. 

"I told you to stay behind." Mickey told Martha, hiding behind some foundations of rock throughout the factory. 

Martha grinned and gave back a sassy, smart remark. Typical Martha. "Well, you looked like you needed help. Besides, you're the one who persuaded me to go freelance." 

Mickey reloaded his gun, and looked at her. "Yeah, but we're being fired at by a Sontaran. A dumpling with a gun. And this is no place for a married woman."

She smiled again. "Well then, You shouldn't have married me." Mickey smiled and as they gazed into each other's eyes, the Doctor saw a Sontaran-Commander Jask-on the catwalk I was standing on watching them, with a clear shot at the couple. With one smooth motion, the Doctor smashed him on the probic vent with a hammer.  

"If we go in here and down to the factory floor, and down past that corridor, then he won't know that we're here." Mickey looked around the factory, devising a plan as Martha looked up at the catwalk, spotting the Doctor. The Doctor knew this would be the last time she saw either of them. His time as 10 was over. 

"Mickey." she said softly, memories flooding back to her like a tsunami. Mickey didn't hear, so she said his name one more time. 

He turned. His eyes widened at the sight of the familiar face. "Hey!" he called out, but the two soon heard the sound of the Tardis leaving, and they pulled each other into an embrace. 


"That was the maddest Christmas ever, Clive. Mum still doesn't know what happened. She got Mister Smith to put out this story saying that Wi-Fi went mad all across the world, giving everyone hallucinations. I mean, how else do you explain it? Everyone with a different face---" 

Luke Smith, Sarah Jane's Smith son walked across the road, not looking for cars crossing while he chatted with some "Clive" on his phone. The Doctor swooped right in, pushing him out of the way before he could have been killed.

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