Series 7 Episode 9: Hide (Part 6)

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P.O.V: The Doctor

The ground was soft, earthy, it felt new, yet old at the same time, if that makes any sense at all. 

"Hila? Hila! Hila Tacorian!" I called in the empty silence. I was in a small forest, shrouded in mist-ery (haha!). I heard something else from the silence. 

"One, two, three." I counted to myself, spinning around. I heard her voice calling through the mist.

"Help me! Help!" She ran into view, and I saw her at last.  

"Hila Tacorian, I presume." I greeted her. She stopped running, her eyes wide and her breathing heavy. 

"Who are you?" She panted, looking behind her anxiously. 

"Collapsing universe. You and me, dead, two minutes. No time complete sentences. Abandon planet." She cocked her head to the side, then whipped around sharply. 

"Wait. There's something in the mist." Her eyes widened once more, but I interjected, yelling "Then run. Run!"

We ran, but I heard Emma's voice calling "Doctor! Doctor! Come home! Doctor, come home!" Her voice was coming from the other direction, and we stopped.

"Not that way, which means, er, probably." Hila looked over at me, scared. 

"What's wrong?" She asked. 

I looked around anxiously. "You know that exit I mentioned? 


"I seem to have misplaced it." We heard a noise from the distance. 

"Doctor!" Emma called.

"This way." I ordered, and we ran the other way.

"Doctor, we're here." Emma's voice called once more.  

"Whoa." We stopped once more at the sound of her voice. 

"What's that?" Hila asked.  

I frowned. "An echo house, in an echo universe. Clever psychic. That is just top-notch." We headed towards the house, the echo. 

We entered and I locked the main doors, something scratching on the other side. 

"It's looking for a way in."

I handed Hila the ropes and harness. "Grab the rope. Give it three tugs, quick as you like." She put on the harness, asking me the usual question.

"What about you?"

"I'll be next." I replied quickly.  

On the other side, Palmer wound the rope, and I secured the door as the creature hammered on the other side. 

"Oh, that's what that noise was. Lovely."

All of a sudden, I was back in the forest, the creature was here somewhere. Emma must have collapsed, the connection was broken now. 

"Oh dear."

I heard the Tardis cloister bells ringing.  

"Oh dear. Where are you?" I ran through the woods, looking for anything to get me out of the forest, getting me away from that creature. The echo house appeared again.  

"Doctor, we're here. Come home." I heard Emma's voice again, she was back! 

"Emma?" I called. I heard a snarl, the creature was close. 

"What do you want? To frighten me, I suppose, eh? Because that's what you do. You hide. You're the bogeyman under the bed, seeking whom you may devour." I heard laughter, eerie laughter.  "You want me to be afraid. Then well done. I am the Doctor, and I am afraid." 


(The beginning of this chapter, but from the music room Emma-Palmer-Clara P.O.V)

P.O.V: Clara Oswald

"Doctor! Come home!" As soon as the Doctor jumped into the wormhole. Emma continued the call for him, her eyes shut tightly as Palmer and I watched on in horror.

"I'm not strong enough!" Emma called, straining hard.  

I held her hand, speaking calmly. "Just a few more seconds.

She screamed, and Palmer and I grimaced. A few minutes later Emma collapsed, with the woman, Hila, back here, safe. But no Doctor.   

"No!" I shouted as the wormhole disappeared. Doctor!

"Wake up! Wake up! Open the thing." I shook Emma, and she opened her eyes slowly, shaking her head.  

"I'm sorry." She said softly. Palmer came to her side, soothing her.  

"Don't be sorry. Don't be. What you did---" 

"Wasn't enough. She needs to do it again." I interrupted him, desperate. The Doctor had to get back!

"She can't. Look at her." 

I looked him right in the eyes, my tone rising. "She has to! We can't leave him."

"I know that you feel you can't do this, Emma, but look at that woman over there. You saved her. She's only here because of your strength, and so am I." 

I ran outside to the Tardis, and pounded on the door. 

"Oh, come on! Let me in, you grumpy old cow!" I turned to see myself standing in front of me. "Whoa."


P.O.V: Emma Grayling

I looked at Palmer as he spoke. "I was as lost as her, but being with you, you gave me a reason to be, Emma. You brought me back from the dead." 

I put the headset back on, and me, Palmer, and the woman all joined hands.


P.O.V: Clara Oswald

"What's this now?" I asked, slightly freaked out by myself standing right in front of me.  

"The Tardis Voice Visual Interface. I'm programmed to select the image of a person you esteem. Of several billion such images in my databanks, this one best meets the criterion." Holo-Me said blandly, not moving her eyes. 

"Oh. Oh, you are a cow. I knew it. Whatever. You have to help the Doctor." Holo-Me still didn't move.  

"The Doctor is in the pocket universe." She said simply. 

I took a step forward. "You can enter the pocket universe." 

"The entropy would drain the energy from my heart. In four seconds, I'd be stranded. In ten, I'd be dead." 

MY anger level rose as I spoke. "You're talking, but all I hear is muh muh muh. Come on, let's go." Holo-Me vanished. 

"Hey, hey, hey!"


P.O.V: Emma Grayling 

"Doctor." I said softly. The wormhole appeared once more. "Can you hear me? Doctor! Doctor can you hear me? Doctor! Doctor, hurry!"


P.O.V: Clara Oswald

"Oh, come on." The Tardis doors opened. It seemed the Tardis wanted to help me get the Doctor back, and it began to plummet down the vortex, with me inside. 

"Ah! Whoa!" 

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