Doctor Who Profiles: Edition 1

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Name: Rose Tyler

Age: 19

Early Life: Rose's father died when she was just a baby. She went back in time to that day with the Doctor as well. Unbeknownst to her, Captain Jack Harkness visited her several times during her early years, but never said hello. Her and her mother Jackie Tyler were living in the Powell Estate in South London before she met the Doctor, and she worked at Henrick's Department Store.

Personality: Rose is a very brave, sweet, kind, warmhearted girl. She can see things the Doctor sometimes overlooks, and helps the Doctor with his vengeful and angry side. She stops him from doing things he'll regret, like killing the Dalek in the episode, "Dalek." She is very forgiving, whereas the Doctor struggles in that, at least in series 1. Rose is also pretty stern with the Doctor at times, and isn't afraid to question him or challenge him. Rose loves the Doctor, she cares for him very deeply.

First Appearance: Series 1 Episode 1: Rose, where she is sending the lottery money down to the CEO, where Autons are coming to life, and the Doctor saves her. Then he blows up her job.

Last Appearance: Series 4: Episode 17: End of Time, where the Doctor goes back in time to before he met her. He's standing in the shadows, and tells her she's going to have a great year.

Other Appearances (not as herself): She appears in the 50th anniversary special as "The Moment" and the "Bad Wolf." She also appears in an episode with Matt Smith, the 11th Doctor, but is just an image.

How The Doctor Felt About Her: The Doctor never actually said he loved her or had any romantic feelings towards her, but there are numerous implications and suggestions that he does, and quite obviously so as well. So we can safely say that he cared for her deeply, and loved her in a romantic way.

Physical Appearance: Blonde hair, very defined cheekbones and jawline (later), noticeable overbite, slim build, brown eyes, dark eyebrows, very very pretty.

How The Audience Feels About Her: The viewers of Doctor Who all loved Rose.

How She Left The Doctor: She lost hold of the grip of the lever to close the pathway to the Void, and began to fall inside. Her father caught her before that could happen and took her safely to the parallel world.

How Her Story Ended: The Meta-Crisis Doctor, or the Doctor's clone, was human. He decided to stay and live a life with Rose, and they lived happily ever after.

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