Chapter 20. Can't draw

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Aphmau's POV

I'm sitting on my computer, shopping online. There has to be a store that makes pants for meif~was. There is a rather large population of us. Not around here though. I give up on Amazon. I go to google and look up "Pants for Meif~was" The first thing I see are half naked Meif~was posing in various different places. Girl Meif~was are heavily sexualized, while guy meif~was are heavily looked down upon. Its too "Unmasculine" for a guy to have cat ears. 

I click on a website called I'm bombarded by bright pink everything. This website is like Victoria's Secret on steroids. I click around for a while before finally finding pants that aren't super pink. Black leggings with a hole above the butt for my tail. I put it in my cart and continue. 

I find  a couple more pairs of pants, a skirt, and a really cute dress. I buy them all. I can't wait to wear them. 

My phone vibrates. Its from Garroth.

Garroth: Hey! Wanna come over?

Aphmau: Sure, I have nothing else to do. I'll be there in a bit.

I close my laptop and throw on some clothes. I make my way downstairs, saying goodbye to Kawaii~Chan on my way out the door. I walk across the street. I knock a couple times on the door before Garroth opens it. "Hey Aphmau!" He goes for a hug. He smells like cologne. The good smelling stuff too!

"Thanks for having me!" Garroth gestures me to come inside. By the looks of it, Dante and Laurence are in their rooms or not here at all. I remember the last time I was here, I told Garroth that I'm a meif~wa and fell asleep on his bed. It was adorable, but I hope he doesn't bring it up.

Garroth's POV

Aphmau takes off her shoes at the front door, her socks have ponies on them. "So...What do you wanna do?" I ask nervously. The last time Aphmau was here, she told me her secret. I can still remember how perfect she looked asleep. Her face had slight tear tracks, but she still looked beautiful.

"How about we watch some T.V." I say. I sit on the couch and turn on the large t.v. I flip to cartoon network and see that Steven Universe is on. I know she likes that show, so I keep it on. I'm entranced by Aphmau's beauty that I'm not paying attention to the t.v. She giggles. Even her laugh is beautiful! 

I look away for a second. When I look back, Aphmau is holding a pen and paper. "W-What are you doing?" I ask.

"Well, I can't draw you well, so I'm going to describe you." She blushes slightly and then continues to write. I blush too. I've never had anyone draw me, or write about me for that matter. (oh man garroth you have no idea.) I continue to look her way so she can continue. 

After a while she puts down the pen. "Can I read it?" I ask. She blushes, but hands it to me anyways. 


I don't know where to begin describing him. I'll start with what you probably notice first when you look at Garroth. His eyes. I could drown in his eyes they're so blue. Seriously, they could stop the drought in California. 

They're something about him, that makes me feel safe whenever I'm around him. Maybe he was my guard in another reality. It's like, he would wield a sword for anyone who needed his protection. Maybe he wouldn't. It's just a vibe.

His hair looks like a bunny jumped in yellow paint. I just want to pet it, never taking my hands off it. 

The way his cheeks get a shade of pink when he sees me, it's unbelievable. 

His lips. My Irene his lips. They look like candy. And they're so soft. if I could, I'd kiss them all the time. I'd never let him good.

So basically he's a yellow bunny who blushes a lot with unbelievably blue eyes and lips to die for. 

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