Chapter 28 Laser Tag

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Aphmau's POV

After I caught up with Travis and got to know Brillian more I decided to invite them to the arcade. Katelyn, Laurence, and Dante invited themselves. We all piled into a taxi and ventured there. Most of us were especially excited because we're all huge mega nerds. 

When we get to the mall I lead the way to the arcade. I went there countless times during high school and have been back there a lot since then. The arcade has the same atmosphere as the skating rink, the same carpet and the same smell of sweat and popcorn. This place obviously has more games and less...skating.

Laurence immediately runs to a game yelling, "I bet I can beat you at this, Dante!" 

"You wish," Dante yells after him, "I'm going to kick your a-" 

"So...what do you guys want to play?" I ask as Laurence and Dante's voices trail off. "This place has got a bunch cool games. There's also a laser tag place not to far from here that we can go to." 

"Oh my Irene. They have a retro packman machine here! Brillian, we need to play it." Travis runs like a little kid to an ice cream truck. Brillian laughs and goes after him. 

"Sooo....Laser tag?" Garroth smiles. I nod and look to Katelyn. 

"Nah." She says, "This arcade has great pretzels, and I don't feel like running. Go on ahead." (I totally almost forgot about Katelyn. Whoops my bad XD) Garroth and I walk out of the arcade leaving our friends to have fun without them. 

We walk for a little before we turn into the fluorescent laser tag room. The room was mostly black  with neon lights beaming into every corner of the space. Black leather ropes guide the long line leading to the opening of another room. I head up to the counter. "Hello! Two for today?" The woman at the counter asks. 

"Yes," I say. 

"That'll be ten dollars." I start to grab money from my pocket but before I can blink Garroth puts a ten dollar bill in the woman's hand. "Thank you, you both can get in line." We make our way to the line, I walk in front of Garroth. 

"I would have paid for myself you know?" I say as we stop. 

"I know." Garroth laughs. Garroth's a dork. 

We wait in line for a what seems like forever talking about random things. Lines are stupid, especially on the weekend. Everyone and their mothers decided to go play laser tag today. But it's worth it when we finally get to the front of the line. 

We're let into a very small room with jackets and laser guns. A very monotone sounding man tells us the rules then lets us start playing. The small room leads into another room with a bunch of walls and checkpoints. I turn to Garroth. "Truce?" He nods and we begin running in the same direction. 

We make it to a corner of the room where it seems no one is. We stand facing away from each other so we can cover as much ground as we can. A couple people venture toward us but we quickly shoot them. They usually run away as fast as they came. 

"Aphmau" Garroth whispers. 

I face Garroth, "Yea-" Garroth interrupts me with a kiss. I'm surprised at first but I quickly melt into the kiss. Then, I hear the shooting sound effect and the sound of me "dying." I quickly look at Garroth to see him smiling slyly. 

"Sorry." He laughs then runs away. Ohhh I'll show him. As soon as I'm back in the game I run around shooting everyone in my path. My small amount of shooting game skill is paying off. I go to a place where the border and a cover wall are sandwiched pretty close together. From there I see Garroth, I have a perfect shot at him. I shoot. 

He looks down at his suit and sighs but stays in the same place. His suit quickly comes back into play, I giggle as I shoot him again and again and again. 

"GAME OVER" Everyone's suit says simultaneously. I run to Garroth playfully punching him on the arm when I catch up to him. We walk out together and look at the scoreboard. I got 2nd place. Garroth got 12th. 

"Maybe you would have gotten higher up on the leaderboard if you hadn't betrayed me." This time, I'm the one smiling slyly. 

"Oh, shut up." Garroth kisses me again. 


WOOOOO This was adorable!!!! I loved writing this even though I had 0 ideas I think it still came out pretty good. Hope you guys liked this part!!

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