Chapter 17. Date night part 1

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Garroth's POV

I keep my hands in my pockets as we walk down the street, what Katelyn said is still haunting me. I wont get her pregnant...I think. (I'm dying while writing thisXD) "Where do you want to go first?" I spit out.

"Hmm" Aphmau thinks out lout. "I haven't been roller-blading since I was like, ten. They opened that new roller rink, we should go there." Aphmau looks giddy just at the thought of roller-blading. We make our way to a busier street. I hail a taxi since neither of us have a car to drive.

We climb into the yellow car. "Were do ya wanna go," The man says as we get in.

"The roller rink that just opened. I don't know what its called." I say.

"Okay." The man pulls back into the road. I look at Aphmau. Her hair looks perfect, even with the beanie on. It reminds me of silk.

Before I know it we're at the Roller rink, it was a lot closer than I thought. I pay the driver and we leave the car. "I don't think I've ever seen a building as bright as this." Aphmau says taking in the colors. Its a neon green building with neon pink graffiti markings going all over the building.

"Yeah, its almost blinding." Aphmau laughs at my remark like an angel. I feel myself slightly blush. We get to the door an open it for Aphmau. "Lady's first." I say.

"Thanks." She says going through the door and racing to the next set of doors. "Lady's first." She giggles. I laugh back going through the door. I look around, the carpet reminding me of arcade flooring from the 90's. Most of the large room is made up of the rink, while the rest is cluttered with tables, counters, and a few arcade games.

"What shall we do first?" I ask.

"Lets get right to roller-blading!" Aphmau giggles. She practically runs to the counter where you rent your Roller-blades. Surprisingly there's no line for the counter. We tell the clerk our sizes and after a few trade backs we finally have the right ones.

Aphmau takes off her coat and puts it on the nearest table, I do the same with mine. Her coat is tiny! She roller-blades off. For someone who hasn't roller-bladed for a long time, she's really good. I try to go after her but I fall almost instantly. "Ow!" I say under my breath. I stand back up and catch up to her, wobbling a little on my blades.

Aphmau giggles at me and starts off. She spins a little and starts skating backwards. "Come on Garroth!" She laughs.

"I can't roller-blade very well." I laugh nervously. I don't want to let her down but I'm actually terrible at roller-blading.

She laughs and comes closer to me. She grasps my hand and pulls me along with her as she goes forward. We no doubt look like one of those corny pictures where the girl is leading the guy in some really cool location. Umm...why do I know what those look like? ...

Aphmau slows down a little until she's right next to me. Her eyes are glowing with happiness. I blush looking at how amazing she looks. Then, I fall. That's what I get. Aphmau laughs uncontrollably at me until finally helping me up. 

We continue to roller-blade. I get a little better. Aphmau is able to let go of my hand every once and a while and I don't immediately fall. After a while we stop and sit at the table we set our coats at.

"I'll be right back, I need to use the bathroom." I slip my blades off and put on my shoes. I make it to the bathroom. As I walk in a man walks out. I find the bathroom completely empty. I splash water from the sink onto my face, trying to cool off. 

I can't believe how good this date is going! I expected it to go horribly wrong. Like I thought Zane was going to show up and I was going to be the third wheel. Throughout the entire date, Zane would mock me. Kissing her romantically, sharing ice cream with her. All that stuff. I want to punch Zane just at the thought of it. 

I leave without using the bathroom because, in reality I just wanted to cool off for a minute. (If you were hoping for some naughty Garroth action...shame on you. Go to your room) I make my way to the table to find Aphmau holding a purple cotton candy.

"Hey, If you said you wanted cotton candy, I would have bought it for you." I say sitting across from her. 

"I'm not gunna let you buy everything for me." Aphmau leans the cotton candy over to me. "Want some?" I take a peice off and eat it. 

"So what do you wanna do next?" I ask.


I would have posted this sooner but...I was looking at undertale fanart. PRIORITIES MAN! I might not be posting for a little bit. This week is going to be STRESSFUL!!!! 

Thanks for reading, hope you liked it!

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