The Queen leaned onto Alfred, closing his eyes. "I thought I was going mad." Alfred looked down at Arthur, but didn't speak. "All throughout history, the Queens had fallen in deep, true love with their King, but I found myself falling for a Farmer boy. I wasn't sure if it was from the lack of a King, but I had fallen in love with you. At one point, I was thinking that I didn't want the King found if I could keep having moments with you. However, it turns out that you are my King. I couldn't be more happy than I am right now."

Alfred smiled, shuffling his arm out of Arthur's to wrap it around the smaller male. He kissed Arthur's head and took his eyes off the mirror. "I honestly thought he was going to kill me back there. I'm so confused right now, and I don't really understand, but... I love you."

Arthur smiled, burying his face in Alfred's chest. "I love you, too, my Farmer boy."

After embracing for several soft, silent moments, Alfred cleared his throat. "I should probably take a bath."


Alfred shifted on the plush couch, his new clothes foreign, but not uncomfortable. "So?"

Victoria sighed, placing her hand on top of his which rested nervously on his leg. "The King of Diamonds before Francis, so his father, had found out that I could not have children, and both Levi and I wanted some so desperately, especially since I am an omega who is supposed to birth children for her alpha. I was in a state of depression and the King just so happened to be in Rosewood ten months after I had my very last heat. He saw me watching the little children run around, and he knew that I was barren." She looked down, nostalgia glistening in her eyes. Alfred watched through his returned, cleaned glasses. "He started talking to me, and Levi came back from buying seeds and food. He offered us something." She looked back up and locked her eyes on Alfred's. "He told us that we can have all the money we desire to adopt as many orphan children as we wanted if we did one thing for him..."

She shakily breathed in, closing her eyes. Alfred squeezed her hands, silently urging her to continue. She smiled softly. "We had to kidnap you out of the castle and raise you until his son, Francis, married the Queen and then sentences you to death. He was going to frame you for stealing or something of the sort, something enough to have reason to kill you." Victoria looked down, her smile still curling her lips and lightly defining the few wrinkles under her eyes and around her mouth. Alfred has always found her to be one of the most beautiful omegas he has ever known, and she always will be.

"But, overtime, I fell in love with you. I fell in love with being your mother, with having the privilege of raising you. Every time I saw this K," she raised her hand and brushed her fingertips over said 'K', "I was upset because I was reminded that you were not my child. You weren't my little boy. You were someone else's. I was going to return you to the castle one day while Levi was out. Do you remember that? It was pouring rain, and we rode that one draft... Silly Lilly. That was her name. You used to love her and she loved you. Anyway, we went to Rosewood, I believe you were around ten years old, and that's when I heard of the King and Queen's death. You were awful sick that next day." She chuckled. "I remember that you always ran into the yard, playing with the animals. You hated being inside too long, but I always made sure to keep an eye on you. I remember the first meal you cooked. You were so proud of yourself, and you were covered in herbs and flour and all sorts of things."

Alfred chuckled, looking down. "I guess I've always been pretty messy, huh?" Victoria giggled and nodded.

"You know, I loved it whenever you called me ma or mom." Victoria leaned back, looking down with a frown. "I understand if you don't want to anymore."

Alfred frowned as well, then braced her. "What are you talking about? Of course I'll still call you mom. You raised me and you saved my life instead of taking the money you were offered. You could have adopted a dozen kids, but you chose me over them." He smiled and kissed her head. "I love you, ma. I knew I'd always be safe with you by my side."

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