He smiled sadly, knowing the night was over. I turned around and shrugged out of the jacket he gave me, he helped me and, in the process, his fingertips grazed my arms. Chills ran across my skin.

I turned around. I wasn't quite prepared for how close he was standing.

"Goodnight, Killian." I said, but I didn't take a step back.

Instead, I let him step closer. He searched my face for any sign of refusal, I should have given him one.

He gently leaned his head in and put a hand to my waist, touching his lips to mine. I gave in for a moment, pressing myself into him and kissing him back.

But then my fear came back all at once and sobered me right up. I pulled away.

"I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry."

"Wait, Swan!" I heard him say before I shut the door in his face. I couldn't believe what had just happened.

Once I locked the door, I finally let go. Tears streamed to my face as I turned my back against the door and slid down it, collapsing in a pathetic heap on the floor.

I heard him say one more thing before he must have left.

"I'm sorry, Emma."

Killian POV:

I knew it was too good to be true. For a moment, I thought she wanted to open up to me. I kissed her, then she ran from me. Like everyone always had. Literally, the only person in the world who truly loved me and knew me was my older brother, Liam. That was who I needed right now.

I walked my way to his apartment. Fifteen minutes after leaving Emma's home, I was banging on his front door.

He opened it and didn't look at all surprised. I was the only one who would be here this late.

"What's wrong, Killian?" He asked.

"I need help." I answered.

"Come in." He said with a sigh, gesturing me to follow. He went to the kitchen and poured us both a little rum.

"What's going on?" He asked, handing me a glass.

"It's a woman." I simply replied.

"Not Milah? Killian, I told you-" he began in a stern voice.

"No, not her. Actually, the woman who locked her back up. Her name is Emma Swan. She's a bail bonds person. We went out tonight and I kissed her, but she ran from me."

"How did you get her to go out with you in the first place?"

"After I helped her catch Milah, I told her she owed me one and convinced her to let me take her out and away from work for a while. She kept telling me she wanted to keep it friendly but I got brave and she didn't seem like she wanted to pull away so I kissed her. Then she slammed the door in my face."

Liam pondered this for a moment. "I know you think it's your fault, but it's not. It sounds like she's afraid of opening herself up to you."

He always told me it wasn't my fault, he was the only person who believed in me at all.

He continued talking. "Did you ever consider that maybe someone screwed her over in the past? It probably made her afraid to trust anyone again."

"No, I didn't. She didn't talk about her past at all tonight."

It was true, she didn't. And I didn't bother to ask. I guess I was so used to hiding my own away that I assumed everyone else wanted their's to be a secret too.

"Maybe try to get that out of her. Try to understand her, and if you really want to have a relationship with her, it'll take work. Have patience and don't ever leave." He said. How was he so wise in everything? Every time I came to him with a problem, he had a solution.

"How do you know so much about this?" I asked him.

"Because Elsa had patience with me, and I with her." He said, referring to his long term girlfriend.

"Alright, thank you Liam." I smiled and hugged my older brother.

"Always. Let me know what happens."

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