Chapter Forty-three: A mother knows.

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We arrived to Ashton and Teresa's old home without any problems. I had my siblings make themselves appear human. One trait besides the wings and halos that all angels share, is a hint of ember in all of our eyes. Some, like Alejandro, have full ember eyes.

"To think such a lovely normal home belongs to humans with supernatural gifts." I also had to have Alexandria leave her scroll back in heaven. It follows her where ever she goes, but a normal looking journal was in her hands.

"Come on." I walked up to their front door, and pushed the bell. A small ding was heard through the house.

"I'm coming." You could hear her from another room. A few seconds later, she was at the door. "Oh Lilith, what a surprise. Please, come in." We followed her inside, and into her living room. "So Lilith, who are these two lovely people with you today?"

"Oh excuse me. Karolina, these are my brother and sister. Alejandro, and Alexandria."

"It is nice to meet you." They both said it at the same time.

"It is nice to meet you too. So, may I ask what brought on this visit. Not that I don't enjoy having you here, just that it is a surprise." I looked at my siblings. We had agreed to tell her the truth. It is the only way that she will understand what is happening.

"Karolina, there is something that we need to tell you." She sat up straight, and looked only at me. "I know you won't believe this, but your children. Are not normal children."

"I know." We all couldn't help but stare at her.

"You know?" This time Alejandro was the one to ask. "But, how did you know?"

"Por favor. I am their mother. Do you honestly believe I wouldn't know when something is happening to my children?"

"Then, how long have you known?" Alexandria was writing everything down in her journal. She was moving just as fast as her pen and scroll.

"With Teresa? All her life. I know she used to get picked on for her gift. I did try to stop it, but children would not listen. Then Ashton would always be her hero, trying to protect his beloved little sister. Ashton I figured out later on. What really caught me by surprised, was when he came back to me alive." This time we all looked at her confused. "You didn't think I knew? I mother can feel when a piece of her heart has been taken away. When I heard about what happened, I knew Ashton had died. Yet there he was, alive. I went to hug him, but all I felt was cold. The same cold I feel, when I hug Lolita."

"Karolina about that." She simply waved it off.

"I know what she is. I know what all of you are. That is my gift. Seeing a person for what they really are. I can see if a soul is good or bad, or human. But don't worry, I also know how to keep it to myself. To this day, Jonathan still doesn't know about me and the children." Incredible. Alexandria was writing everything down, while Alejandro and I simply stared at her.

"Karolina, does that mean you also know about what Ashton and Teresa have become?" She looked at her hands for a while, before looking back up with tears in her eyes.

"When I got the news, I expected to never see my son again. But there he was, alive. I know better than to cheat death, but I wanted my son back. So I kept it to myself. I never told anyone, not even Teresa. She was so happy to have Ashton back, I didn't know how to tell her." We staid quiet for a moment. She didn't seem like she was going to continue.

"Karolina." She looked up when she heard me speak. "Karolina. Teresa knows." True shock was expressed in her face.

"What?! Como?! I never told her."

"My dear. It would appear that Teresa knew all along." Alexandria was looking through some notes in her journal. "I keep records of everything, and I pulled up everything I have on Teresa Robins. She knew the moment that Ashton was shot. She was also apparently there when it happened." We looked to Karolina, but she was genuinely confused. She had no idea that Teresa was even aware of what Ashton was. So the big question I have, is how she kept it hidden.

"Karolina, do you know how exactly Ashton came back?" She shuck her head. "Apparently. Ashton, was brought back by a necromancer."

"That can't be. I have never heard of them being real."

"That's because they never were. Until one such man touched the bones of death himself, and took back his time." Alexandria was reading from her journal again.

"What does that have to do with Ashton and Teresa?" We were quiet for a moment, until I decided to just tell her.

"Karolina. The night Ashton was shot, Teresa was waiting for him at the hospital, right?" She quickly nodded her head. "Where you with her the whole time?" I saw guilt in her eyes.

"No." She seemed to choke on her words, like she wanted to cry. "It was all too much for me to handle. So me and Jonathan stepped out for air. I told Teresa to wait inside in case we were called." Now it was making sense. I looked to Alejandro and Alexandria, and they seemed to know where I was going with this.

"Karolina." She looked up at me. "That night, Ashton and Teresa met the necromancer. Ashton was saved, and turned into a, for lack of a better word, Zombie. But I'm afraid he didn't do it for free." She seemed confused again. I don't know how to break it to her. But apparently teenaged Alejandro did.

"To sum it up, Ashton was saved and made a zombie. But he used Teresa's innocent soul and her gift as payment." Her eyes grew wide, and I could hear her heart stop for a second.

"Karolina." Wide eyed, she slowly turned back to look at me. "My dear I am sorry. But Teresa, was used to bring Ashton back. And as a side effect, she is trying to take control of Ashton."

"How could she take control of Ashton? He has no soul to control." She sounded extremely heartbroken about saying that. Now this is where things may get tricky. But it has to be put out there. She needs to know.

"She can take control of him, without his soul. Because, she is now a necromancer too."

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