Vampire!Mettaton X Reader

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((You don't know how long it took me to find who requested this aaaaagh!!! So this was requested by FriskyWithSans and Amazing-Lexi-Pank !! Hope you all enjoy this!! This is a little bit depressing at the beginning, so if you're sensitive to that stuff, skip the beginning or don't read!))

I tried to clear my mind from all the terrible stuff going on. My mind was all over the place. Would I ever get out of here?

I had met a terrible fate one night when I came upon a wretched hole. Everything had fallen on me at the time. All of my friends had moved, and the one friend I had left had died in a car accident on the way to my birthday party.

Her parents blamed me ever since she had met her fate. I was just as distraught about my friend's death as they were, yet they never even stopped to consider that at one point, me and her daughter were friends.

They just acted like her daughter never knew me and I was some ruthless murder. My parents were the only ones who cared. They cheered me up and moved me from school to school trying to find a place I belonged. Yet, to no avail.

They began losing hope and soon they threw me into a private school, which was a lot more pricy than normal schools. So my dad was working more often so he could provide more money, which left my mom more lonely, but still happy.

Yet, homework was super hard for me and I was failing the school. I was also being bullied on top of that, and most of the time with injuries. My mother never found out, because I always hid them from her.

She always made me happy, but happiness doesn't last forever. I came to the conclusion that she was spending a lot of time worrying about me. She would be so stressed...because of me. So I thought I should dispose of myself.

I went to this hole where people never came out alive. Where everyone who fell down here instantly died. Nobody had ever made it alive. I had tried several times before to end myself, but to no avail. I always got lucky. But I was sure this would work.

I thought the fall would instantly kill me, but it turned out that I had to try harder if I wanted to end myself. Instead, I survived the fall, and was brought upon monsters, with terrible magic.

These monsters ranged from werewolves to witches, but occasionally fused with other monsters, such as goats and robots. It's really hard to survive.

My goal here was to die, and no matter how much I try, I can't will myself to let me die these painful deaths all these monsters have to offer. And when I try intentionally to die again, my luck always kicks in.

I hate how my luck works....

I had just finished a fight with a powerful skeleton, who had some witch like powers. It was a struggle, but I did it! Besides, he didn't want to kill me anyways.

I was going to let him kill me, but he just kept throwing me in his garage and not finishing me off.

So, I found a way around him. I was headed through the waterfall, when I saw the shadow of a monster I had never seen before. My curiousity got a hold of me, and I crept up on it. But just then, the shadow disappeared.

"What...?" I asked, but was quickly silenced by a gloved hand clamping over my mouth to keep me quiet. "Mmf-?!" I struggled to speak and felt someone whisper in my ear.

I felt him moved his free hand over to my neck, pressing his finger against it. I was confused by this...

"Hush now, my dearest...~" The voice cooed into my ear. I caught a glimpse of a vampire robot. One side of his bangs fell over one of his eyes, and his eyes were a hot pink.

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