Chapter 13: Too Late to Be Careful

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{Sans} *almost a month later*
"Happy birthday, me." I whispered. I couldn't sleep. It's dark out, well, darker than usual, being there is no sun. I blew out my own invisible candle, making a breath spot on the cold glass of the window. Now I'm thirteen. Wow. Nobody cares. I remembered last year, when Chara sat on my lap as I blew out the candles, and was insistent to my friends from school that I got the first piece of cake. I never got old with the idea of having a birthday party. The whole "themed" part of it seemed to have diminished, but I still wanted to have a few friends over so we could play EarthBound or something. Chara was always there to police the cake-eating. I miss her.
I miss her so much.
  My little sister. It's been almost ten weeks since I've seen you. Something tightened in my chest. God, I miss her..
   I'm thirteen and surprise, surprise, nobody cares. I started crying. Very un-thirteen-year-old of me, but I didn't care. Everything Gaster's taught me, shortcuts and fire magic, and Gaster Blasters, a result of one of his experiments, I would give all that knowledge up just to see her again.
     I heard the door open. The mattress collapsed a bit underneath me. A hand on my shoulder. I pulled the hood of my jacket over my head.
   "Happy Birthday, brother.."
      It's Papyrus.
     The mattress in my room was just on the floor, a blanket all balled up in the middle. My pillow was untouched, usually because I lose it halfway through the night and just lay my head down on the mattress. My room isn't really packed with stuff, but it has enough.
      "I miss her too, sans, I...."
        I jumped from the windowsill and hugged him. It's been so long since I've had somebody like Papyrus. I was always with Gaster, I never really got to see him. But he's my brother. They can't keep us apart forever.
    Papyrus put his arms around me, and we just sat there, together, until I fell asleep.
*the next day*
I opened my eyes groggily, looking at the digital clock on the dresser next to the mattress I slept on. 10:37 AM.
Oh no! I overslept! Gaster's gonna kill me!
"No, I won't kill you."
I whipped my head up, to see Gaster in the doorway. He's always doing things like that, answering my thoughts as if they were words that I said out loud.
"I let you sleep, for it seems you need it. Plus, I have something different planned for today. The Blaster experiments seem to tire you out, so I want to show you something instead." He said, throwing a small rock into the air and catching it again, and throwing it, and catching it.
"You're gonna show me the thing you've been hinting at for the past month?" I asked, rubbing my eye.
"Yes. You guessed correct. Good job. Now get up and get ready." Classic Gaster. Straight to the point, yet poetically stringing riddles throughout.
I got up and left the room, grabbing my blue hoodie. Downstairs there was an array of items on the table to eat. I grabbed a ketchup bottle. Hey, if you tasted it, you'd be addicted too.
"Please don't drink more of that vile ketchup, sans.." Gaster said, sounding more exasperated than concerned.
"What? It's just, the ketchup down here is so different! It tastes so much better!" I retaliated.
"That's because it's genetically modified. There's no sunlight to grow plants, I developed an artificial system for plants like tomatoes to grow, and- hey! Are you even listening? "
"You lost me at genetically, bro. See ya later, I'll be at Grillby's."
I could hear both my brothers groaning as I exited the old house. I sort of found a home at Grillby's. Grillbz is nice enough to me, he offers advice about this place, on how to act around different monsters, he really helped me out. And I just like playing pranks on everyone here. Grillbz doesn't care as long as he doesn't get pranked himself, which is fortunate for me, unfortunate for everyone else. But everyone there is nice to me, even though I do play the occasional practical joke on them. They're cool.
"Happy Thirteenth." Grillbz said to me as I sat down at my signature stool at the counter.
"You know about that?" I asked, my face getting a little hot.
He sort of made a squinty face at me, like a yeah-right-act-like-you-didn't-mention-it-a-million-times face. I laughed. "I guess I did make it obvious to you, didn't I?"
He nodded, cleaning out a glass till it sparkled, no spot in sight. Then his expression hardened.
"Something's going to happen today, sans. You have to be careful. Something not good is going to happen sans. Please be careful." That was....different.....?
"Um, o-okay?" I said. Then the door opened, Gaster and Papyrus looking at me, Gaster beckoning, looking a bit excited.
"That's my cue, guess I gotta go. See ya later, I guess, Grillbz." I waved, hopped down off the stool and made my way towards the door.
" careful, sans."

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