Chapter 3: Asriel

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You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy, when skies are gray
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away...
I jumped up and opened my eyes to somebody asking me if I was okay. I started to say something, then a jolt of pain went through my head, and I slumped back over, my hair tangled, and shirt torn.
"Are.....are you....okay..?" The voice asked again. I didn't answer, partially out of fear. "Well, my name's Asriel. I can wait until you feel good enough to talk to me, I have time. My mother and father don't worry about me much. I know lots of people, so they'll protect me if they have to. Oh, now that I say it out loud, I guess I'm a little spoiled, heh."
Pause. I slowly got up and looked at who was talking to me, and almost fell back down again. It was, a goat? But he smiled at me, and I felt fine. This is all a dream, soon Sans and Pap will find me.
He flinched. "Umm..." He pointed to my forehead. I made a confused face and touched my forehead, and my hand immediately jolted back. There were spots of blood on my fingers, and I looked back up at the goat boy. Asriel, he said his name was?
"Here, I'll take you back to my house, my mom can help you with that."
"Th-thanks..." I whispered.
"So, what is your name?" Asriel asked me as he helped me away from the spot of light, into the doorway, with a rune etched in the stone above it.
"My name is, Chara." I said.
"Chara. I like it!" He replied. The rest of the places he took me were all a blur, and I remember a sweet feminine voice, a warm sensation, and then a soft pillow, then I was asleep.
   I woke up to see Asriel asleep on a bed opposite the room from me. I didn't feel the pain in my arm anymore, actually, it seemed completely fine when I moved it. Hmm. This place is....different.
   Then I remembered. My brothers. My parents. The mountain. Was I dreaming? How is this even possible?!
I look over at Asriel again. He's peacefully asleep. I just hope Sans and Pap are okay.....

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