Chapter 4: Friends

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I sat in a bed of flowers, by myself in the garden, thinking about earlier events of today. Patches of real, true, sunlight burst through small openings in the ceiling. Some thing I though I'd never see again.
  "So...what did you say your name was, child?" Asriel's mother asked me as Asriel took my hand.
  "My name is-" I started.
  "Her name is Chara, and you have to let her stay, mom! She can't go anywhere else!! We can't leave her alone, either!" Asriel cut in.
"Asriel.....I'm fine with it, and you know that...but your father.........what do you think he'd do? And maybe Chara doesn't want to stay here. You can't just think ahead immediately." Asriel's mother said, "oh, yes, and Chara, my name is Toriel." She smiled at me and I (kind of) smiled back.
   "I know...." He sighed.
   "Is it really my choice to leave here? Didn't Asriel say that I have nowhere to go? And I'll have to run into your dad," I looked at Asriel, "one way or another. I haven't even seen the place outside the door of this house! And, my brothers, parents.....I-I......I just need some time. To think." I let go of Asriel's hand and started to run away.
  "Chara!" I heard him yell as I exited the door. I immediately gasped. It wasn't just a house he lives in, it was a castle. Which probably makes sense. His dad's a king, for crying out loud.
Pay attention, Chara! I smack my forehead.
  I take any route I can find, unable to observe the beautiful stone structures surrounding me. I find myself in a hallway flooded with orange light. The windows had the same rune, made with patterns in the stained glass. I looked around, breathing heavily.
   The beautiful light, it filled me with a feeling. Of, well, I don't know how to explain it. Determination, I guess. I will find my brothers. I will go home.
   Then I hear Asriel. He slides in to the room, slips and falls onto his butt.
"Wow.....*pant*'re......really fast!" He says.
   I lean my head against the wall in the space between two windows.
"Leave me alone! Please!" I yell back at him. There's a pause before he replies.
"A-are you going to come back?"
"Yes. I will. I promise. I....I just need some time." I reply. Then I run off again.
After some time, and some weird apartment buildings, I made it out of "the core" it was called. I started walking, and the temperature seemed to go up. After some wandering, I found a Laboratory. Then something clicked in my head, I don't know what, but it was.....different. I knocked on its giant white doors, and something fell over inside, a man's frustrated yell following. I decided not to go in there.
I went down a southern path, and found a boatman wearing a dark cloak.
   "Tra La La. I enjoy riding in my boat. Would you like to join me?" He asked in a monotone voice. I nodded.
   "Where would you like to go?" He asked, "Snowdin or Waterfall?"
  "Waterfall, I guess." I replied and stepped aboard the wooden boat, sitting down and letting my feet hang over the edge.
  "Tra La La. Beware the man who speaks in hands." He said. My head jerked up.
  "What?" I asked.
  "What?" He asked. I shook my head, looking back down.
  Soon we passed a snowy-looking place, which was probably Snowdin. But I saw something peculiar. A boy sitting on the edge of the snowy cutoff. My eyes widened. Sans.
   The boat grew ever closer to the cutoff, and soon he saw me, and got up. No! He can't see me! Not now! I wanted to hide my face in my shirt, but I didn't.
  "Chara? CHARA!! NO! STOP!! CHARA!!" I looked straight into his blue eyes the whole time. His voice broke and faded away as the boat sped off.

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