Where Are You

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Everyday Jungkook would visit Lynn every night, hugging her and cuddling like they used to do when they're alone. Jungkook would try his best in talking to her, and with full understanding they got along quite well.

But the night with her doesn't last that long. He stays in her room at least 2-4 hours then leaves because Athena calls him or texts him multiple times. Shutting off his phone would be a good idea except he'll hear about it the next day.

They're the only couple that have good reputation in the building and seeing them fight would cause others to gossip and that's not what Athena wants while working, especially Jungkook, if revealing Lynn as his wife would have everyone give him looks and thinks of him unprofessionally.

He wants everyone to know who Lynn is and what she means to him but for now it needs to be on the down low.

Jungkook hates nothing more than gossips and an annoyed Athena next to him.

Today was the day Lea gets to leave the institution. Jungkook helped her pack up all her belongings fixing all the things that's in the room before she leaves.

When she was all packed up she tugged on her fathers hand getting his attention.

"What is Lea?"

"Do you still love mommy?" She bluntly ask.

Jungkook only smiled and continued to fold her clothes.

"I'm guessing that's a yes" she smiles back.

"Can I kill your girlfriend then?" She grinned evilly.

"No" he replied quickly.

"Ugh!..I'm not going to ask why because then you'll make things complicated for me to understand. Please love mommy. She loves you back" she says taking her luggage with her.

Jungkook smiles while listening to his daughter talk about her mother like that. Ever since the doll has been gone she's been very kind towards her, good thing that doll had been washed away into the sea never returning back.

"Come Lea let's go." He said.

"Can I say goodbye to mommy before I leave?"

"Yes you can" he says.

Lea ran to her mothers room where she was sitting down brushing her hair, she notice Lea enter and immediately rush to her and picked her up.

"Mommy! Come home soon okay? Me, Ailee and Aleeya are waiting for you!" She says.

Lynn smiled giving her daughter a kiss hugging her deeply as she stares at the man that cared for her.

Jungkook leaned against the door admiring his woman and child reunited together as if not separated at all.

The beautiful picture was once again ruined when Athena accidentally walked in and witness such a site. She dropped the water that was in her grip and dashed away with tears in her eyes.

Jungkook sigh deeply and dashed to her care pulling her shoulders to look at him.

"S-so it's t-true! L-Lea is he-her daughter?!" She weeped.

"I-is she the only daughter that you have? Or are they're more!"

"There's more..I have two more kids from her. Athena she's my .."

"Don't say it! I don't even want to hear it!" She sneered. She wiped her tears away and tried to clam herself down.

"You know what..lets pretend that this never happened. Okay let's pretend that I didn't see that. I don't want to remember it either..so I'll leave for now but your still mine Jungkook. For now..I'm going to go work and smile" she says calmly.

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