I Hate You

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It's been only a week now and everything changed drastically. Unfortunately the one who owns the mansion is no where to be seen especially his wife, the twins has been in depression state always asking their uncles when will there parents return and sadly they couldn't give a single answer to them.

Yoongi and V were watching some shows since it was pouring rain outside, the gloomy atmosphere made all the Jeons stay home and pretty much to what they do best.

Lea rested her body on top of V while he caresses her back, Ailee resting her head on Yoongi's lap as he caresses her hair.

"This is stupid..I can't be taking care of their kids forever. One of them has to come back and take them as well" sigh Yoongi.

"This is just temporary, I'm sure they're trying to resolve their conflict." V says.

"What if Miko is pregnant with Jungkooks kid..he said it himself he came in her, she's not even on birth control" Yoongi spoke.

"Then that's on Jungkook..he caused it. He has to finish it. He can't have two wives, I mean it is possible but I doubt either of them wants to share Jungkook."

"Maybe we should just bring David back..tell him to take Miko?"

"That's a bad idea, he'll go after Lynn. He doesn't even want Miko, probably reasons why she wants to stay with Jungkook. Because he actually cares for her unlike David." V said.

"But resurrecting David is not a good plan. It'll just be complicated. Just give them time..." V says. Yoongi simply shrugged as he continued to revert his attention to the tv.


After just a week I haven't contacted Jungkook since then. It was actually very refreshing to not have to see him, I don't really know but I guess having a break with him was a good idea, we both have some things to take care of but for him he's mind isn't set on me..it's set on someone else and her family.

Hopefully he has time to think things through and come to his senses that he shouldn't be doing this anymore. I'm not a piece of cake that he could just dispose of.

He's done so much for me, sacrifice his life for me and then he goes behind my back planting a new rose that simply seems to have it all.

I guess I really wasn't enough for him to be satisfied about.

"Ma'am what would you like?"

I blinked twice glancing back at the cashier asking me what drink I'd pick up.

"S-sorry about that..Uhm I'd would like a mustache milk tea with Thai walls and do you have just an orange juice?"

"Yes we do anything else?"

"And two donuts the one that has a cat face on it" I smiled.

She punched in the price and I payed for the meal. I then waited for my order for a good two minutes, when I got everything I thanked them walking out to the daycare center picking up Aleeya.

Just two blocks away I finally reached my destination, she was already outside waiting for me with a balloon on her wrist.

I smiled as I walked towards her kneeling down. "Hi baby? Have fun?"

"Yes" she smiles.

"Good! Oh here I got you your favorite oranges juice and kitty donuts^^" I giggled handing it to her.

"Thank you mommy!" She says taking the drink and food from my hands.

We walked together as she ate her donut and drink her juice. I smiled watching her so always happy even if right now things have been an issue lately. But she hasn't complained at anything, probably to scared to even tell what's on her mind.

"Is it good?" I ask.

"Mmhhmm" she replied with mouth full of donuts.

"Mommy can we go see daddy? Please! Please!" She pleaded.

I sigh deeply knowing that she would soon speak about this, but now isn't the time to go looking for him. "I'm sorry baby but he's probably working right now." I told her.

"It's Saturday though, he has no work today. Please mommy just one day. I miss him." She then pouted her lips clasping her hands together with big pleading eyes.

"I'm sorry baby but next time."

"NOO! I want to see him now! Please mommy. Please just this once.."

After five minutes of her begging and pleading I eventually gave in. Since his condominium home was only couple blocks from where we were now might as well go check up on him.

I didn't want to but if it's what my daughter wants, it's what she'll get.

I held her hands walking up the building, we then entered the elevator and once at the third floor we slowly marched to the direction of his room.

She ran towards the door knocking on it repeatedly. "Aleeya! Come back here!" I shouted.

The door didn't open. "Appa! Appa! It's mee Aleeya!" She says jumping up and down.


I sigh walking towards her. "See maybe he is at work" I said.

She then placed her ear on the door to distinguish if anyone was in there. "I can hear people ..." She says.

Aleeya knocked on the door again and this time the door opened revealing Jungkook with messy wet hair, no shirt, with just his jeans on.

His eyes grew wide and so was his mouth surprised to see us. "L-Lynn..A-Aleeya.." He says looking at the little girl.

"Appa! I missed you!" She says as she waits for him to pick her up but for some reason he didn't even held her.

"Uh...Uhm..wha-what are you doing here?" was he could say.

Blinded by blurry visions of tears escalating to pour out at any moment, my lips slightly trembling at his appearance knowing that he's simply doing his 'business' again with Miko.

"O-obviously yo-your daughter wanted to see you!" I gritted my teeth.

He bit his lips hard scratching his head then back at whoever inside. "Now is not the time to ..to meet me" he says.

And that was enough for a droplet of tear came rolling down.

"I'll talk to you soon k, Right now I'm kind of busy.." He smiled then slowly closed the door on us.

I gulped the lump in my throat sliding down the wall pulling my legs together as I cried at the outcome that I just received today.

Aleeya glanced at me and put on a smile but I knew she was hurting as much as I was. She looked at me and wiped my tears, "Mama ..please don't cry...smile." She says touching my lips forming it into a smile, but seeing her fake being happy was killing me so much. Seeing her got refused from her own father was twisting me so hard that my body was going to rip any time soon.

"Mama..it's okay. I'll be here..I'll always be here" she says extending her arm as she hugged me tightly. I cried even harder as I held onto her warmth, she's just a child and shouldn't be in this position right now. She didn't deserved this at all and I'm the one to blame for that matter.

"I'm so sorry baby...this is all my fault" I told her as I wiped my remaining tears.

"No don't say that ..A-Appa is j-just busy. We shouldn't bother h-him a-anymore, and besides he l-looks tired ... to tired to even meet us." She says. When she said that I literally broke down even more.

"L-let's go home mommy. You seem tired..you need rest" she says, even in this situation she still placed a smile even though she's dying on the inside.

Psychopath V •• J.J.K    [COMPLETED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora