Chapter 6

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"Like this?" Camila asked.

Lauren lifts her brush off of the material and looks over to see see Camila's hand sliding across the large white canvas . "Just like that, babe."

Camila's hand comes to a stop and she looks to the side and meets Lauren's eyes. "Please don't call me that."

Lauren laughs. "I didn't mean anything by it."

"I don't trust you," Camila squints at her before averting her eyes back to the canvas. "I'm sure all of the girls you say that to love it, but I do not."

Lauren shakes her head but can't keep the smile off of her face. "I don't trust you. I think you do like it."

Camila scoffs and continues to paint. She didn't like it, or so she thought.

"You should run that green across there," Lauren says quietly, pointing with her paintbrush.

Camila nods. She doesn't do it because Lauren told her to, she does it because she didn't want to fail this assignment and she was sure that the raven haired girl knew more about what they were doing than she did. She was positive Lauren knew more.

"Yeah," Lauren whispers and scoots closer to the brunette. Their knees knocking against each other. "That's perfect."

Camila's eyes leave the half colored canvas and darts over to the taller girls knees pressed up against hers. Lauren black jeans had holes in both knees and Camila's had a whole on one side, which happened to be the side that Lauren's knee is touching.

"You're a lot better than you think you are, Camz," Lauren compliments before leaning back on the palm of her hands. "I'm hungry."

Camila laughs. "What do you want me to do about it?"

Lauren leans forward until she's merely inches from Camila's face. "Feed me."

Camila swallows. The closeness getting to her quickly. "I don't.. What. I can't cook."

Lauren shrugs and leans back on the palms of her hands again. "I can cook. Are you hungry?"

Hungry? When was she not hungry. She could remember when she was a little girl and her family got upset with her for eating all of the of the meat off of the party tray when they threw a work bash. She didn't mean to, she was just hungry.

"Sorta," Camila shrugged and pushed herself to her feet. "We can go look at what I have. Probably not a lot. I need to wash my hands."

Lauren, from her relaxed position on the ground, let her eyes wonder up the small girls long tanned legs up to her round backside that was covered by a pair of denim jeans.


Lauren blushed and quickly stood up. Why hasn't she stopped herself? Why couldn't she control her wondering eyes. She followed the brunette into the bathroom and waited for her turn to wash her hands.

"Why isn't this coming off," Camila sighed, annoyed.

Lauren chuckled. "Try some warm water."

Again, she couldn't stop her wondering eyes. Camila was too occupied with scrubbing the red and green paint from her finger to notice that Lauren was eyeing her whole body, and unconsciously stepping forward.

Camila mumbled curse words under her breath as she scrubs roughly at her hands. She just wanted to get the paint off. Suddenly her breath hitches when she feels a body pressed up against her back and a pair of arms wrapping around her waist. She looked up in the mirror in front of her and could see the taller girls face buried into her neck while her body was flush against her own.

Lauren nuzzles her neck and her lips skim over the soft tan skin. She didn't mean to end up this close to the brown eyed girl but she just couldn't stop herself.

"Lauren," Camila whispers. Her body betraying her against the emerald eyed girl.

Lauren wants to, but she can't. She can't bring herself to let go of the girl or to stop nuzzling her hair. She was intoxicating and this was the first time she was able to be this close to Camila.

"Okay, okay," Camila says quickly, spinning around in the taller girls arms and pushing her away. "What are you doing? You can't just- just touch me like that. What is wrong with you?"

Lauren's embarrassed. She's never done anything like that in her life. She over stepped someone else's boundaries with out getting permission and she has never done that before.

"Camz, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I don't know what happened," Lauren says, honestly.

Camila puts her hands up in front of her. "Just..just don't let it happen again, okay? It's okay.."

She wasn't sure why she was okay with it but she was. It wasn't because Lauren was absolutely charming in the most wonderful way and it wasn't the way her long black hair fell down her back. That smile. It couldn't possibly be that smile she sported when she was overly happy.

Lauren took a step forward and studied the girl in front of her. Being this close to the brunette was something she'd only dreamt about but she couldn't let anyone know that. She wouldn't let herself become that vulnerable.

She brought her hand up to the brown eyed girls flushed cheeks. Her thumb grazed over the soft warm skin while she peered down into her dark brown eyes. No ones eyes were the color of Camila's. Lauren had taken notice to that the first time she met the girl in elementary school.

Camila stared up the taller girl. Lauren wasn't saying anything, just looking. She wasn't sure if she should be worried or not about how close they were or that the emerald eyed girl was being completely silent while she caressed her cheek.

Her eyes moved down to the soft pink lips above her. She hoped Lauren didn't catch her little slip up, but when she looked back up Lauren's eyes were wide and her mouth was parted.

"Lauren," Camila says quietly while her hand raised to lay on the hand on her cheek.

"Can I kiss you?"

Camila willed herself to say no but Lauren's soft, caring features were making it hard for her to say that one word. Instead, she decided to say the first thing that she could.

"Okay," she says shyly.

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