Chapter 4

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Lauren groaned loudly and fell back out the soft pink bed. "Why don't you like that idea then?"

"Because we've already established that there is no way I can draw that."

"I can help you. It won't be that difficult. I promise."

Before Camila could answer, a shriek came from down stairs and was getting louder by the second. A small brunette burst through her door, breathing heavily.

Camila laughed at the sight of her little sister. "Sofi, do you have to scream that loud every time you come home?"

Sofi shrugged before dropping her backpack on the floor. "I have to let you know I'm home or I might accidentally scare you."

"Sof, you screaming scares me. What if I thought you were being murdered?"

"I guess you'd have to save me," the smaller brunette concludes. "Who is that?"

Camila follows her little sister finger until her line of sight is directly on her classmates smiling face. "Sofi, this is Lauren we go to school together."

Lauren pushes herself up from the bed and approaches the little girl before squatting to eye level with her. "Sofi huh? That's a beautiful name. How old are you?"

Sofi blushes and holds up her fingers. "I am this many. I'm seven years old and three fourths."

"Three fourths?" Lauren says with excitement. "You're almost eight!" 

Sofi nods her head enthusiastically. "I'm almost really old."

Lauren laughs and Camila can't help but think it is the most adorable thing. She's not sure if it was because the taller girl was interacting with her little sister or if Lauren's laugh had just suddenly became adorable. She'll go with the first one.

"Is that so, honey?" Lauren grins.


Camila shakes her head and smiles. "Okay, Sofi. Lauren and I are doing homework. Can you go watch tv for a little bit?"

"Will you and Lauren come watch with me?"

"I don't think Lauren wants to but-"

"I'd love to, Sofi. Only if that's okay with your sister?" Lauren turned her attention to the brown eyed girl in the chair.

Camila glares at her slightly. She knows what she is doing. "I guess that's okay..."

Sofi throws her hands in the air happily before running out the room and back down stairs, her feet thudding loudly.

"She's cute."

"You can't use my sister to spend more time with me, Lauren Jauregui."

Lauren laughs and falls back on the bed. "She invited me, if you remember correctly."

"Mhm," Camila hums. "Anyway, so if we do this you have to promise to help because if you don't we are going to fail."

Lauren shakes her head. "I wouldn't let that happen."

"So," Camila clears her throat. She picks up the pen and notepad before standing up from her sit and trailing over to her bed. "Okay, so is this.." She stops when she hears a ding from Lauren's pocket.

The emerald eyed girl reaches down into the front pocket of her jeans, struggling because of how tightly they fit her, she pulls the white phone out of her pocket and opens up the messages.

Camila is trying hard. She really is, but she can't seem to stop herself from looking at the bright screen hovering over Lauren's face. The name was familiar. Must be a girl from school, she thought. That's when she sees the message.

Hey, babe:). You want to come over? My parents aren't home.

She expects Lauren to text back with a quick okay or a yes, definitely, but she doesn't. She just sighs and closes the message before stuffing her phone back into her pocket and tilting her head backward to look at directly into her eyes.

"What were you saying?" Lauren questions. She has no idea Camila had just read her text.

"Um," Camila coughs. "I was just going to make sure we are going to do this idea for sure."

Lauren nods happily before flipping over on her stomach and places her chin on her hands. "Yeah, I think that one will be the best one."

Camila searches her eyes. For what? She doesn't know.

"Well, it looks like we're finished. You can leave if you want to. We can just start the actual piece tomorrow."

Lauren smiles. "I think I actually have a movie date."

Camila rolls her eyes. It's probably with that girl that just texted her. She knew hadn't changed a bit.

"Yeah, I better get going before I'm late. She gets really pissed when I don't show up on time," she laughs before pushing herself up off the bed. "See you soon?"

The brunette nods and says her goodbyes. She wasn't very fond of the taller girl. Who did she think she was? Trying to act like she actually had feelings for her when it was always so obvious that she didn't. It was just a game.

She decides not to think anymore of it and puts all of her supplies back in their appropriate places. Her eyes skimmed over he ideas her and Lauren had pondered up together and she was so sure that it was the worst idea ever letting her draw anything like what they had planned. Lauren was in for some trouble and bad grades.

Remembering that Sofi wanted her to watch tv with her, she quickly for changes and made her way downstairs to where she was stopped immediately in her tracks when she heard her little sisters laugh filling the air. What could she possibly be laughing at, Camila thought.

"I guess I'm seeing you sooner than I thought, Lauren laughs.

Camila's eyes grow wide when she sees her classmate sat on the couch with her little sister cuddled up to her side, giggling non stop.

"What are you–why are you still here?" Camila asks, clearly confused at the sight before her.

"I told you I had a movie date." Lauren shrugs and looks at the little girl beside her. "Care to join us for a movie? I'm sure my date wouldn't mind."

Sofi laugh uncontrollably. "Yeah, I don't think her date minds, Kaki. Come watch tv with us."

Camila sighed heavily. She couldn't believe this was what Lauren was talking about. She was so sure she was going to leave and go over to the house of the girl who texted her.

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