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To someone I loved,

Today was the day I finally let go of my worries and spilled the truth to you. It's troubled me for the past few days with how I should tell you and how you should find out. I've tried to tell you multiple times, but on those attempts, they backfired because an unaccounted factor. Some people who already know about my crush said that if I wouldn't take action to tell you, they would share my secret with you. I never wanted you to find out that way, and you didn't. Through all the doubts I have been given, I pushed through them and confessed.

If you think about it wasn't a full confession though. It was more a question that you could draw clues from. In my question, I asked you if it would be awkward if I told you I had a crush on you. Surprisingly, you answered very nonchalantly with a no. It came as a shock to me, although I wasn't sure what to expect. I got my answer and left quickly after that. I was in panic mode and didn't know what to say after that.

Despite your reply, I still had plenty of questions for you. Things are a lot easier to ask and say when they are on a screen and your fingers are flying away at the keyboard. So I found your contact and sent you a risky text. It's funny how you replied almost immediately. You went on to answer all my questions and we continued to talk after that. I never realized that you considered me as one of your friends and that you enjoyed talking to me even though we have never actually held a full conversation. Some things were right in front of me, but I was too blind to see.

I'm not sure if you've told anyone else about what I said to you. I know I have spread the word to a few of my closest friends. They know and they promised not to tell anyone. I've been told that the truth will set you free. There is one less secret I have to keep now. Well you finally know the truth about my feelings. What's going to happen next? Even if you know the truth, I feel that there is still something holding me back from being free, but I can't put my finger on it just yet.

With love,

someone who told you the truth

To Whom My Heart Belongs To [original]Where stories live. Discover now