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To someone I loved,

You've been absent for the past few days. Each day I would look forward to seeing you, but when I got there, your seat was empty. I know I shouldn't keep my hopes up for your return the next day as I do not know if you will come back the following day or not. There was no way way of knowing when you would be back or even why you were gone in the first place.

Each day you were gone, the room seemed empty to me. You were the source of energy of everything that ran the room. Once you were gone, everything stopped running, everything stopped working. I had a sense of missing something important to me but all that was missing was you. It was always you that caused those stories I would tell my friends. Every time, it was you. Why?

I've never been absent, but would your emotions match those I have? I feel a burning on my insides and that there's nothing that will put out the fire. That's the feeling I get when I miss you. My heart was heavy as each day passed without you. Those days you were gone, I missed your smiling face that brought light into the room. As you might have noticed, my smile was never as bright as it once was, but it was nearly equal to yours when you made me laugh. I haven't laughed the way you make me laugh for the past few days.

I've dreamed of the days I would finally tell you. All the possible outcomes have floated into my mind. It's easier to imagine those scenarios when you weren't peeking over my shoulder to see how my day was going. Everything could work out very nicely after I tell you. Something amazing could come out of it. On the other hand, everything could fall apart. Everything we ever had could break and shatter. I'm still contemplating my decision to tell you. I'll know what to do once you come back though. So it's up to you to come back, and I'll determine how I feel then.

With love,

someone who misses your presence

To Whom My Heart Belongs To [original]Where stories live. Discover now