Chapter 15

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Yay i changed the cover for the book, I just love that picture I think they both look so good and I'm going to change the title too I just keep forgetting too ahh! SOrry this chapter is kind of short I hope you guys like it anyways :) x0x0


 Taylor's P.O.V.

I knocked on Vanessa's door yawning for the fifth time this past minute.

"Taylor?" Miley opened the door.

Shit. I forgot they both shared the room. Well and Selena too, but she was barely in there. 

"Hey miley, your hair looks good." I said complementing her shoulder length perfectly straight blonde hair. 

"Thanks, god why do I feel like i haven't seen you in two years?" She muttered as she stepped to the side letting me in.

"We haven't even known each other for two years."

Miley rolled her eyes. "Whatever. I think it's because you girls are always out with your boyfriends." She placed her hands on her hips.

"Well yeah I guess I have been spending a lot of time with Louis but so what we're dating," I shrugged. "Aren't you supposed to spend time with your boyfriend?"

"Taylor what are you doing here it's like 9 in the morning," I looked behind Miley's shoulder to find Vanessa in her pyjamas. 

"Nine isn't that early you know, it's just you like to get up at 11," I snapped.

Miley ignored Vanessa. "We've barely hung out together this trip, at least not with one of your boyfriends tagging along."

"Umm, yeah we had that girls night at Selena's house remember?" Vanessa reminded.

"Yeah but then the guys came and ruined it," Miley hissed.

"Fine how about we have another girls night tonight? Just us, no guys." I offered.

Miley grinned. "Perfect! Anyways I need to do my makeup then finish that stupid homework package. Later ladies." She blew us air kisses before sauntering off.

"Was that a good idea?" I asked Vanessa.

She shrugged. "Maybe not the best timing considering what's going on. Where's Selena?"

"She'll be here soon. She spent the night at her house with Harry," I replied.

She gasped. "Do you think they-"

I cut her off before she could even finish her sentence. "Nah! Selena would never. Besides they've only known each other for a couple of weeks."

"Yet they're so in love," Vanessa sighed.


Selena's P.O.V.

"So what are we gonna do today?" Harry asked putting his arm around my shoulder.

"We aren't doing anything today. Apparently Miley has been complaining about us not spending enough time together so I have a day planned with the girls."

"But why," Harry groaned. "You hang out with them all the time, you guys basically live together."

"Nah, she's right we haven't been hanging out a lot lately they're my best friends and plus Miley is going through a tought time with this breakup." I glanced in the mirror, running my fingers through my long brown hair.

"Pleaseee," Harry wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in. "Don't leave."

I was tempted to stay in his arms, I could stay there all day, but I pushed his arms off of me and put on a pair of tall black boots. "Sorry babe. We'll do something fun tomorrow." I winked then gulped. That is if I make it through to tomorrow. Who knows what they'll do to me. What did they want? Should I tell Harry about what was going on? No of course not that would just put him in more danger. I can't let that happen.

"By fun do you mean..." His hands snaked all the way up my body until it reached my bra strap. He tugged at it but I pushed his hand away.

"No!" I snapped. "Sorry Harry but no. Plus you probably had sex with probably dozens of girls, ew I bet half of them had STDs" I teased scrunching my nose. I threw on a black coat and a white scarf over my oufit. 

He gasped. "I did not!" He denied.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

"How about you?" 

"What do you mean?" I rasied my eyebrows.

"I mean did you and Justin..." He trailed off staring into my eyes.

"Harry that's none of your business," I snapped.

"Oh but you can know how many girls I've slept with?"

"Fine we did! Now can you just drop the subject?" I don't know why but I hated talking to Harry about this. Especially since it involved Justin. It felt just weird whenever I talked about him when Harry was around.

He sighed. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you upset." He pulled me into a big hug. 

I smiled feeling a lot better when I was in his arms. "It's fine don't worry." I didn't want to be angry with him, considering this might be the last time I ever see him. 

He glanced over my shoulder. "I didn't know you were into that kind of music." I turned around to see he was staring at my stack of CDs.

"Oh yeah I'm really into indie bands," I chuckled.

"Really?" He smirked. "Funny I thought your music taste would be more Katy Perry, Rihanna." He began looking at my CDs.

"Well what kind of music are you in?" I raised an eyebrow.

He shrugged. "Same as you. I don't listen to pop or rap that often to be honest."

"Really? I thought you'd be more into Jay Z or Britney Spears," I teased.

He rolled his eyes then grabbed my waist and pulled me in. He planted a kiss on my lips and tried making it deeper but I pushed him off. 

"Nice try but I have to go, you're making me late. Anyways you can stay here, invite the boys over if you want but don't make a mess and if you do clean everything up and I mean it." I said in a serious tone.

"Don't go," he begged as I walked over to the door

"I'll be back," I smiled then my smile faded. Wait I wasn't going to be back. Who knows what would happen to me and if this would be the last time I'd ever see him again. Before opening the  door I wrapped my arms around Harry's neck. Immediately he wrapped his arms around my waist holding me tight.

"I love you," I whispered in his ear.

He chuckled. "Aw don't worry babe, like you said you'll be back soon."

"Right," I croaked out. 

I planted a kiss on his lips before staying in his arms for a few more moments knowing that might be the last time.

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