Chapter 4

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Hi guys my school is over and i'm done with exams, I am doing a few summer camps tho, but I still will be able to post a lot more now yay! :) Sorry i haven't uploaded in a while, but I'll probably post another one tonight and if not (because pretty little liars and dance moms are on tonight) then I'll upload one first thing tomorrow. 


Selena's P.O.V

The girls and I had all arrived at the hotel, and went to our rooms. The hotel was huge, and beautiful, it looked like a hotel from a travel magazine or something.

"Wow these rooms are awesome!" Ashley exclaimed.

"Wait we haven't even planned out who's going to be sharing a room with who," Taylor pointed out.

I grabbed Vanessa and Miley's (who were standing right next to me) arms and said, "me, Nessa and Miley can share a room, and you guys can share the other room."

"Sounds good," said Demi who was already wearing her brown wig and her new clothing.

"Yay I'm so excited!" Miley squealed. "I still can't believe we're in the city of dreams!"

"That's L.A, isn't it?" I said.

"The city of dreams can be anywhere," Miley muttered. "Anyways we'll all unpack and meet up in an hour?"

"Sure," the girls said in unison and grabbed their luggages and went out the door.

"I really hope Demi doesn't get caught..." Vanessa said.

"She won't don't worry as long as she keeps that weave on," I said as we began to unpack.


Harry's P.O.V.

We all arrived at the hotel at 5 pm, it took us literally 2 hours to find the damn bus to take us to our hotel.

"Ugh I'm starving," Niall groaned.

"Hey there's a buffet lets go get some food from there!" Liam exclaimed.

"It's closed," one of the teachers, Ms.Martin said. Ms.Martin was a chill teacher everybody loved her. And pretty hot too for someone in their late 30s.

Everybody groaned. "Okay everybody!" Mrs Bains, who wasn't so chill called out. "You must check into your rooms first, from then on you're free to do whatever you want. The buffet serves dinner at 5-9 so make sure to stop by. And remember you must be back by 12!"

"We'll also meet up tomorrow at around 10 am, just to make sure everybody is here and safe," Ms.Martin said.

I heard her say something else, but everybody started talking above her and began leaving towards their rooms.

"Aw man, the elevators are gonna be packed," Louis groaned.

"Should we wait a bit or take the stairs?" I asked.

"You guys know there's another set of elevators, it's supposed to be only for people that live here, but I have a spare key to go use them." Logan said.

"How do you know about this?" Zayn asked.

"My friends dad is the manager here, so I've been here a few times. Come on let's go," he said. We stood up, grabbed our bags and followed Logan.


Still Harry's P.O.V

After we finished unpacking the boys and I all met up.

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