A woman with voluminous dark hair, tan skin, and bright eyes sat across from him. I watched them for a little while, I could tell what she was trying to do. She kept reaching for his hand, especially when she did this fake (and irritating) laugh. I would truly enjoy this. She didn't see me as I walked over.

"Milah?" I asked in a falsely sweet voice.

She looked curiously up at me.


"Killian has told me so much about you! It's funny seeing you guys here." I grinned. I could tell she was instantly jealous of me. I said that just to add a little more fun.

"And who might you be?" She asked, trying to remain polite.

"Just a friend of Killian's. You know, he is such a good friend that he lured you here so I could arrest you for jumping bail."

Before she could register what happened, I had a cuff on her wrist and was dragging her up out of her chair to cuff the other.

"Killian?!" She demanded of him.

"Don't blame me for your troubles." He shrugged and got up.

"Thanks, I owe you one." I said, smiling at Killian.

"I'll hold you to that." He said with a wink.

With that, I took Milah away to turn her in. I then proceeded to spend the rest of the night brooding on what Killian meant by "I'll hold you to that."

Was he joking? I was prepared to be out of his life for good, I didn't like getting attached to people. I hoped he didn't want another date with me, not that our last meal was a date, but I think he considered it one.

I threw myself onto my bed and covered my face with my arm. I needed to let his go, forget about him. I didn't have time for a relationship.

Killian POV:

It went bloody perfect. Milah was out of my hair, Emma had a good impression of me. But I had to stop myself every time I started to think of her that way. I was just helping her out. Now she was on her way, she didn't need me anymore.

I huffed as I walked through the cold air on my way to the coffee shop. I needed that hot drink not only to wake me up, but to warm me up as well.

And of course she was there, but this time she was sitting at a table with her cup and staring intently at her phone. I wondered who she was after this time.

I placed my order and before I could stop myself I walked over to her.

"Good morning, Swan." I greeted her.

She looked up in surprise. I thought I saw a hint of a smile but then it disappeared.

"Hello, Killian." She replied.

"Lovely day outside." Stupid! Stupid, stupid, stupid! Luckily, she seemed to think I was joking.

"Oh yes, fantastic." She smirked with a roll of her eyes.

I sighed inwardly and thought of what to say next.

"So, you still owe me one." I blurted out. I really needed to stop doing that.

"For helping me yesterday? I suppose I do. Tomorrow, I got your coffee. Here you go."

She pulled out a few dollars.

"No, love." I said with a waggle of my eyebrows. "Let's say you go out to dinner with me, and we call it even?"

She raised her own eyebrows. "I'm a little busy Killian."

"Oh, come on. Strictly professional." I pushed.

She sighed, I could tell she was giving in. "Fine. I could use a night out, a few drinks."

"That's the spirit, Swan. Loosen up a bit." I said with a wink, attempting to flirt with her. To hell with it, maybe she would be different than the rest.

"Alright. Call me." She threw her cup away and headed out the door. It took all I had to not act like an excited child. I hadn't had a proper date in months. And any I had gone on didn't lead to much more.

Emma POV:

I'm only doing this to get him off my back. I told myself.

I was going to dinner tomorrow with a handsome, British man. What the hell was I getting myself into?

"I know that face!" Ruby said, startling me. She was the only person here who had known me since I was a kid, she got me my office space here. I hadn't even seen her walk over to my desk. "What's got Emma Swan all wound up?"

"Nothing, Ruby." I stubbornly answered.

"Liar!" She pried. "You haven't been yourself since you worked that last case.

My phone dinged, and Ruby snatched it before I could even glance.

"You have a date?" She exclaimed.

"What?!" I heard from the next desk over. Great, now Regina was involved.

"You're going on a date? Who was so brave to get past that prickly layer?" She asked, poking me.

"Fine!" I gave up. "It's strictly professional. A guy who helped me on my last case just wants to take me out to celebrate catching his ex-girlfriend."

Lie. He never said such a thing, but I needed to get back to work.

"Come on, Emma." Ruby said, "Give him a chance. Not every man is going to let you down."

They didn't know about my past with Neal, prison, and the baby. But they knew I had issues with men.

"It's just as friends, not even that, really. I don't know him that well." I explained.

"Sounds like he wants to know you. That's a nice restaurant he's taking you to." Regina said, looking at the text from Killian. "Wear something a little more elegant."

I huffed and sent them away. I didn't need to impress this guy.

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