"A special night?" she gasps.

"Yes, a special night." I grin. "We're going to eat pizza and watch a movie."

"Yay!" she screams.

"I'm going to turn the tv on and you can watch your show for a little bit. Then, we have to pick a movie to watch together."

"Otay." She nods.

I turn the television on and wander towards my bedroom. I slip into the shower to freshen up and then change into a pair of my comfiest pajamas. I leave the engagement ring in the bedroom because I don't want it getting dirty from the pizza.

Just as I open the bedroom door, Tori and Charlotte wander into the house with a stack of pizza and the champagne.

"Oh my goodness, congratulations," Charlotte screams with joy. "I wanted to tell you in person so I could give you a hug!"

She tightly wraps her body around mine, then holds me to arm's length.

"Now, where's the ring?"

Charlotte grabs my hand, then frowns.

"Calm down, it's in the bedroom."

Tori walks to the kitchen while I walk back into the bedroom. I grab the ring out of the drawer and pass it to Charlotte. She holds it up in the light and gasps.

"It's beautiful."

"Thank you." I smile.

"I'm so happy for you both. You make me believe in love."

"Don't say that!"

"It's true." She nods. "Maybe Blake can teach Kyle a thing or two?"

"I've been trying for years, but maybe Blake will perform a miracle?" I giggle.

"I pray that he can."

I put the ring away and walk into the kitchen. Tori emerges from the hallway wearing her pajamas. I pass the pizza to Char and instruct them to pick a movie while I get the drinks. I open the bottle and pour it into three glasses. Although, I top mine up with lemonade.

Somehow, I manage to grab all three glasses by putting them in the triangle formation. I slowly walk towards the table and place them down.

I sit between Charlotte and Tori while London sits on the other side of Tori. We lay the pizza boxes across our laps and dig into the different options while Moana, bravely picked by London, plays on the screen. When the songs come on, she discards the pizza on the box lid to sing along.

Once we finish eating, I toss the boxes in the bin and top everyone's glasses up. I find a few blankets for the girls, then retreat to my bedroom for a moment. I find my phone on the bed and quickly message Blake.

'How's your night going? I miss you.' – Ava.

'We're having a lot of fun and I miss you too.' – Blake.

I'm surprised by the quick response, but I smile. Tossing the phone onto the bed, I wander back out. I slip under the blanket and end up with Charlotte resting her head on my shoulder as she falls asleep.

A thwacking sound jolts us away. I peek around the dark room and notice we were all sleeping. London cowers into Tori's side with fear as Char and I leap up to investigate. Just as I walk around the couch, the kitchen light is turned on, stunning the pair of us.

Axel and Ben prop up a very intoxicated Blake who's partly covered in his own puke. Kyle stands to the side with an awkward grin on his face.

"Blake!" I scold. "What happened to him?"

Little LeapsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora