You Feel The Break

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You were at school one day, and the announcers announce that One Direction is performing at your school. You get extremely happy and fangirl bad. 

You go home that night making a poster for the next day, when they perform. Your poster had a special message for Louis on it, hoping he'd see it. I mean, your gym was small enough for him to see it. 

The next day, they perform their album, Made In The A.M, and the whole time you were screaming and dancing. 

When it's lunch time, you go outside, but then back inside to use the bathroom. You see Niall from a distance and your heartbeat quickens. You speed walk over to him, but your heart drops to your stomach when you see the girl you hate (she's always mean and bitchy to you) and her squad talking to Louis. 

Louis is laughing and smiling at them and giving them a big hug. He was looking at the girl you hate the most with loving eyes- the way you always wished he'd look at you. 

The next week, you go on the news to see that Louis and the girl you hate the most are supposedly 'dating' because they've been hanging out so often. You feel like that's it. Your chonces are gone. All because of her. You cry yourself to sleep and have ever since then, you lost all hope and you now live in a sorrow, dark, deep hole in the back of your head.

A/N: IDK HOW TO FEEL ABOUT THIS. This imagine was based off a dream I had and I actually CRIED in my sleep like that's how bad this was. 

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