He Brings You Magic

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You're a wizard living in Wizardland! How cool is that? You went to this magical school and had a huge palace. Yes, you did use magic to turn your house into a palace because why not?

You guys were strictly told not to cross the border that stands on the other side of the Wizard dimension, because that's where all the evil wizards were. But you were pretty badass so for years you had been wanting to break the in the border. You were going to make that dream reality. 

Around midnight, you made yourself invisible- using a spell, of course- and teleported to the other side. Having magic was the best gift you could ever wish for. 

Your eyes widened as you stared at the huge, scary looking gates in front of you. In school, they showed pictures of what the gate looked like, but nobody ever dared to see them in person. 

You gulped as you saw the skulls and bones dangling off the chains that embraced the gate. 

I'm going to do it, You thought. But how? 

Surely, the gates could open, but that would be enough sound to startle bulls and start a stampede, so you weren't taking that chonce. 

You could fly over using a levitation spell, but there was probably some invisible wall around the gates. You were looking and observing the gates, when a voice startled you. 

"Thinking of going to the other side?" 

There was a boy, most probably around your age, standing on the other side. 

"Yup, so I can say 'hello' from the other side," You joked. 

The boy chuckled. "Of course. I could make that happened, if you want." 

He was one of the evil wizards and you didn't trust him at all, but you so badly wanted to go. 

"Really? Can you?" 

"If you want to come, I can help you." 

You nodded eagerly and he smiled. You weren't stupid, you could see the evil smile and already knew he was planning something, but then again he might've not been. 

You blinked for a long second, and when you opened your eyes, you were in a darker place. They sky was red, and the clouds were black. 

When you turned around, the huge gates were there and you could see the WizardLand. That's when you realized that the boy had teleported you. 

You looked at the boy who had a goofy smile plastered on his face. You were embarrassed that you hadn't even thought of teleporting. 

"I'm Louis, by the way." He said, holding out his hand for a shake. 

You shook his hand, confused to why nothing bad or evil was happening. "I'm Y/N." 

Louis then showed you around the evil area and you then saw why this place was known so evil. You could hear the screams and see the souls walking around. This place was more of Hell than an actual dimension. 

After Louis was done giving you a tour of the place, you concluded to the idea of loving this new world. 

"It has it's own style," You saw and you saw the relieved smile on Louis' face. 

"You're right, it does. Just as we do, so you can't exactly call us evil." He said. 

You then didn't understand why people called the people there evil. They were just wizards with a different kind of magic. 

"Of course," You agreed. 

"I'm counting on seeing you again, Y/N. You'll have to show me around your dimension." 

And that, was a start of an awesome friendship. 

A/N: SORRY IT'S LATE! I have all these imagines written on paper, I HATE TYPING IT OUT UGH! Cause you keep having to look at your paper and then back at the screen and it gets ANNOYING! Btw, I DO take requests, in case you were wondering :) PLEASE COMMENT, VOTE AND SHARE!! 

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