|sixty one

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here i am,

on the bathroom floor of school breaking down once again because of you and your stupid actions.

the only difference was,

i didn't have you this time.

but you know who did?


you guys both came out,

not together as a couple,

but separately.

i got harassed,

and beat up everyday,

but the two of you got fucking "congratulations",

and "aww, why are the cute ones always gay?"

are you fucking kidding me?

you told me you'd only come out when you loved me.

you told me you were terrified of it.

but apparently you did it for jungkook just because he didn't want to hide his sexuality anymore and wanted you be there for him.

you did for him as a favor something you refused to do for me that could've literally saved my life from spiraling down like this, min yoongi.

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