Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Soft rain drops where falling lightly against my cheeks as I waited outside the church for Alex. He was inside explaining to Mrs. White about my “condition” in hopes that she won’t tell my mom about my child. It was sweet that he was trying so hard because he and I both knew what would happen if my step jerk found out and it would not end well.

The large stain glass door behind me opened with a loud creaking sound and was met with a strong sturdy voice.

“My mom said she wouldn’t tell…” his voice trailed of as if there was something more.

“But?” I replied waiting for the catch.

“You have to start helping out in the church on Saturdays. She made it to where you don’t have to stay for a service but you have to help repaint all the old rooms and reorganize the library down stairs.”

“that’s it?”

“Well, for now anyway.”

My shoulders slumped. “Okay let’s go get something to eat I’m starving.”

Alex laughed. “Okay let’s go.”


“How do you like you’re greasy hamburger?” Alex laughed as I took a bit out of my McDonald’s Burger. He was right about the grease; it was running down my chin.

“Amazing, I needed this. I guess being pregnant makes you hungry.” I told him while looking at our two cars parked close by each other. I love when people park close to the people they know.

“Well you are eating for two.”

“Yeah I guess you’re right.”

We sat there for a moment watching the younger children running around, playing. A few mom’s around the age of twenty five where chasing their kids around tickling them and crawling up the playground with them. It brought tears to my eyes. That was going to be me one day but much, much younger.

Alex must have notice the look on my face because he leaned over the table to touch my cheek. He turned my face so that I would look at him. His soft lips opened wide, revealing his sparkling white teeth.

“You’re going to be a great mother you know that?”

Something about what alex said made me want to laugh. “Me be a great mother, I cant even protect myself against my step jerk what makes you think I’ll be able to protect my child from him?”

“Is that honestly what you’re afraid of? You’re afraid of what your step dad while do your baby?”  I nodded, my brown hair falling in my face. “I would beat the crap out of him before he lays a hand on that baby.”

“No you wouldn’t.” Yes he would, I thought.

“Oh yes I would and you know it.” See. His beautiful face was thoughtful for a moment. “I got it why don’t we move away and live in my dad’s beach house. We could get married and…”

“Whoa! Married! Where barley sixteen, I’m not even thinking about marriage.” I think my best friend has gone insane.

“I know but the baby needs a father and I’m willing to do that.”

“But you’re not the father, Nathan’s the father you need to talk about this with him. And no Alex I won’t marry you not until where graduated out of high school.” I could tell I pissed him off but he needs to think rationally.

“You’ll change your mind.”

“No I won’t.”

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