Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

***Siege p.o.v***

After school I split with Adriana to go get ready for her party. I wasn’t much of a party person so it was really hard to find an outfit that was for a party. Lucky I went shopping at the beginning of the summer so I had a pair of whit shorts which I matched with a creamy colored red top that flowed down to the tip of the shorts.

Next was my hair it was already pulled up into a pony tail so a nice little bump at the top should do. And finally my makeup, which I don’t think it really it’s that important to go into detail about that.

My phone started to buzz on my bed side table, the caller i.d read Alex.

Wonder what he wants? “Hello?”

“Hey what’s up?”

“Nothing just finished getting ready.” I sighed.

“Good cause baby I’m out front.”

I ran over to the window and peaked out. There sat Alex’s car nicely parked and a little hard to see since it was dark out and his car was black. “What are you doing here?”

“Coming to pick you up but you’re going to be the designated drive… so, drink responsibly.” I giggled.

“Oh no you’re not drinking… you’re going to hang out with me, I haven’t seen you in awhile.”

“Aw, how about a couple?”

I pulled the phone away from my ear, giving it a look that said ‘How stupid do I look.’ “Fine but only a couple.” Yeah, right.

“Okay now get your butt out here.”

I did as I was told running down the hallway of the house and sliding into the seat next to him. “Be quiet because I had to sneak out.” I told him.

He pulled out of the drive way cruising silently down the road. His pointer flicked on a song that I wasn’t really paying attention too.

“So, I know I wasn’t around during the summer so you want to tell me what happen?” Alex took my hand in his; it was a familiar feeling for a second and then heat spread through my body.

“Nothing really mom and my step jerk went on vacation all summer to Porter Rico, so I was stuck at home by myself.” I tried to maintain my breathing but It was really hard.

“You where by yourself all summer?”

“Well, Adriana came over once and while but other than that I hardly left the house.”

“Jeez Sie I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay you can’t be around all the time.” I pulled of my black heel and put my feet on the dash board.

“I guess that’s true.” He smiled as we pulled up in front of Adriana’s house. A few people where standing outside smoking and other’s were trying to hide there make out sessions In the dark.

Alex walked up to the door with me at his side and walked in. Adriana’s house was huge and amazingly clean even though at least three hundred people where dancing around with a beer in their hand, they where even playing beer pong.

“You guys made it!” Adriana with her giggle self walked up to us. She had on a cream colored dress with matching shoes and purple tights.

“Duh we told you we were coming.” I hugged her shoulders lightly.

“Well you know…” she looked at alex, smiling. “My, you look sexy.”

A small smirk was forming on his lips. She was right he did look ‘sexy’. His blond hair was tousled and his green eyes hinted at something dangerous. It was weird looking at my best friend like that but it was true he was hot.

“Thanks A.”

“Wanna beer?”


“Yay, you’re so… fun when you’re drunk.” Okay too far. I thought. I know they were just flirting but something about just set me off. And she was my best friend. I’m not even dating him, so why the do I care.

“Oh I know.” He smiled seductively.

“Well here.” Adriana handed him an ice cold beer and he chugged it like it was nothing. “Take it easy.” Then she averted her eyes on me. “You’re going to have some too.”

“No I’m not; I don’t drink things that smell like my pee.”

“Come on Sie, just one.” Alex jutted out his bottom lip. “Please…”

“Fine,” I grumbled and walked off, leaving the laughing idiots I called my friends.


Hours later I was in Adriana’s bedroom making out with someone I couldn’t put a name on at the moment. It felt nice to actually kiss someone instead of being locked inside the house.

The guys hand slipped under my shirt and pulled it off among other things as well. My breathing caught, “Please don’t.”

“Believe me you’ll enjoy this.”

***Alex p.o.v***

I watch as Nathan led siege upstairs to a bed room. Her head bobbed from one side to another, she could barely walk and he was trying do her.

Real smart Nate. I told myself as I fallowed them.

Screams from siege came from the room. “Please stop! I don’t want too.”

“Why not you’ll enjoy this.”

“N…n… no please don’t.”

I pushed the door open and Nathan pulled the covers over exposed chest. Tears were falling down her cheeks.

“What the hell were you thinking Nathan?”

“Um hello I was trying her,” he slurred.

“You’re an idiot Nathan.” I pulled off my shirt and wrapped it around sieges naked body and lift her up into my arms.

“Hey what the hell are you doing?”

“Taking her home.” And I left.

“Alex I’m sorry.” She whispered tears still falling down her cheeks. A strong smell of alcohol was coming off her body.

“It okay siege. It’s not your fault.”I slipped her into the passenger seat of my mustang.

“Hey Alex! Is she okay?” Adriana came running towards us.

“Shh, yeah she’s fine. Can you just drop her clothes off or something tomorrow?”

“Yeah sure thing…” she looked at me, a frown clearly planted on her face. “Nathan’s a jerk.”

“He is but he’s also drunk,” I patted her back and went to the driver side. “Go enjoy your party, okay. I’ll take care of her.”

“You always have Alex.” I watch her go back in before heading off towards her house.

Driving down the road with siege right next me in pain was hard. He had gone all the way with her. This was like the time that her dad tried to rape her when she was seven and me and her mother walked in on him.

Her mother kicked him out of the house and a couple months later she got remarried to the guy that she was having an affair with and he was a dick.

But she numb to abuse.

*** so i nope yor liking it so far leave a comment.

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