Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

***Alex POV***

‘Let’s play spin the bottle,’ Adriana hollered from the corner of her room. Around eleven kids filled her enormous room, half of them where drunk including me. This was my first real party as a freshmen and I was determined to live it to the fullest.

‘okay,’ we huddled around in a lard circle, Adriana pulled her short skin tight dress over her bare thigh while reaching over and grabbing one of the many beer bottles that littered her floor.

‘Siege, you first honey,’ I looked over to where she sat and saw how beautiful she looked in the dimness of the light. Her tan skin brought out her beautiful honey eyes, it made my heart leap. God she was so beautiful.

Her long nimble fingers gripped the bottle and twisted it. I crossed my finger wishing it would land on me but it didn’t instead it landed on some boy named Carlos. He was a Mexican boy with an accent that made all the girl swoon over him. It was pathetic…

It was even more pathetic when I had the urge to punch him when Siege kissed him. it was just a damn game and I was getting jealous.


The memory was one of many I had of Siege. No matter how hard I try I can’t get that girl out of my head and thought of her just brought tear to my eyes.

Where did I go wrong?

***Siege’s POV***

Rain poured heavily on to the pane of the old church’s stain glass windows. A velvet red carpet ran through the center of the pews and at the end there was an alter with a golden cross behind it. I didn’t really understand why I was here but I just needed to be away.

“Siege?” A familiar female voice addressed me from behind the litter of candles. “I haven’t seen you here since you where a thirteen?” it was Alex’s mother. Shoot! I forgot she worked here.

“Hello Mrs. White… how are you?” she was a very beautiful woman, with dark brown hair and green eyes, that was the only thing her and Alex shared.

“I am fine, thank you. Just finishing a few things for the incoming middle school kids, I hope they like youth group.” She pushed a few boxes behind the stage. “Can I help you with anything?”

“No it’s alright, I don’t want to take up anymore of your time.” I grabbed my things off the first pew and started walking back to the door.

“Siege, it’s alright, I have time.” Her face held a worried expression. I’ve known this woman since the day I was born; she was like a second mother to me but right now I felt distant and scared.

Tear’s slipped down the corner of my eyes. “I don’t know what to do, I feel all alone, all the time.” She pulled me over to a pew and I laid my head down on her lap.

“Why?” was all she said while pulling my damp tangled hair out of my face.

“I can’t tell anybody.”

“Siege, if this is about Alex; just know that he loves you very much.” She addressed her son with such passion. He was the only child she could have and the last, she cared a lot for him. “Whatever it is you two are going through you can overcome it.”

“It’s not just him, Heather. It’s my step dad and the fact that I’m going to be…” I didn’t want to finish the sentence but I had a feeling she knew what I was talking about.

“Oh sweetie I’m sorry this had to happen to you.” She cradled me into her warm arms. “But you should have known this would happen.”

I wasn’t going to tell her that I was raped because it was an accident on Nathans part and I wasn’t about to rat him out.

“Mom!” I froze. “I brought you dinner… Siege?” hurt flashed across his face as I quickly pulled away from his mother and whipped the tears away from my eyes.

“Hello Alex.” My voice shook.

“Thank you sweetie,” she exchanged her smile for a motherly ‘you’re in trouble’ face. “So Siege tells me that she is pregnant. Did you do this to her?” she pointed to my stomach and heat filled my cheeks.

“Siege’s pregnant?” he looked just angry as his mother now. This poor guy’s day just keeps getting worse and worse. “Is it Nathan’s?”

I nodded.

“Why didn’t you tell me?!” his heart broken face made me cry harder.

“Alex’s you’re in a church control your temper and take this outside.” His mother said. She calmed down a bit at the fact that it wasn’t his kid.

He took no time pulling me out the church’s big oak doors and into his car so that we where guarded from the rain. It silently fell against the windows.

“Why?” he whispered.

“B…Because I didn’t want to hurt you,” I tried to touch is face but decided it wasn’t the best time to.

“Hurt me! You don’t think what you said to me today hurt me?! I cried for hours when I got home and decided to come here and know I have to find out that you’re pregnant! How does that not hurt me?”

“I’m sorry I just thought…” I didn’t know what I thought.

“Thought what? You know I love you and it’s like you find ways to hurt me.”

“Alex, I love you too! I would never do anything to hurt you! How dare you think otherwise!” my anger flared, I have had it with all the shit.

“Oh now you’re mad at me!”

“No… I’m Angry that you think I would try to hurt you.”

It was silent for a moment. “I’m sorry. What you told me earlier today just killed me.” His face was a few inches from mine.

“I know, I’m sorry for not being truthful.”

“So there’s really a baby in there?” he still looked hurt but I knew he was trying really hard to get over it.

“Well right now it like the size of a raisin.” I held my fingers together to show how big the baby was.

“Does Nathan know?”

“Yeah, I had to tell him it’s his kid.”

“That’s probably for the best… you know my mom is going to tell your mom right?”

“What!? No that can’t happen, my step dad will find out!” tear’s where stinging my eyes again. I was dead, literally dead!


hey guys thank you for reading

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love you guys! thanks!

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