Chapter 8

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so this chapter is really short but you are in for an intresting twist to the story.

oh and just to let you know i wont post until i have two comments on this chapter.


Chapter 8

I pulled a pink dress gently over my shoulders, trying to avoid the stitches that the doctor gave me yesterday. It took me literally an hour to convince Alex that I would be okay tonight and that my step jerk wouldn’t hurt me if I locked the door and even then he made me promise I would stay on the phone with him all night.

So here I am with the phone pressed against my ear, trying to get dressed. He was breathing loudly on the other end almost to the point where he was snoring. I laughed; it was sweet how much he cared.

I jerked my head hearing a loud boom coming from the kitchen and then someone calling my name. “Siege get your ass down here and make me breakfast!”

Quickly, I rushed down the stairs, slipping my phone in my pocket, with it on speaker. “What do you want? It has to be quick I need to get to school.”

“I love it when you have an attitude.” My step jerk whispered while playing with my hair.

“Oh really you didn’t seem to love it when you cut me with a knife yesterday.”

“I still loved it; what I didn’t love is you kicking me in my man hood.” He pointed to his area.

“Shut up, I need to get to school; there are waffles in the freezer.” I made my way to the door and picked up my back pack.

“I’m not done with you yet…” he yet again presses me against the wall.

My heart began to race. “Can you please stop pressing me up against walls?”

“Sure thing baby,” he grabbed my wrist and flipped me down on to the couch in the other Room. His lips trailed down my neck, pushing down the straps that rested on my shoulder. I was too tired of people doing this to me that I just laid there, Letting him kiss my face, neck, stomach and other dangerous places. Until I felt something cold press against my thigh.


“No you didn’t your just laying there like a little rag doll. This will make you move around a little bit.” I felt it slide down my jeans, ripping them open but not cutting my leg.

“Alex… please help.” My voice crocked.

“He’s not here.” He mumbled against my neck. “The first time in forever he can’t save you.”

The knife press down on my skin but not yet drawing blood. It hurt like hell but there was no way I was going to move for his pleasure. He continued to grind against me and held back my barf. This whole situation made me sick.

“Move baby come on you know you want to.” My hips where being forced in motion by his hands swaying them.

“Kiss my ass, dick.” Alex pulled him off to the side like he was nothing. “Come on siege.” He picked me up and walked me to the car, setting me into the passage seat like I was a baby.

“Hey! Where the hell are you taking her?” my step jerk stumbled outside.

School you idiot!

“None of you business ass hole.” He hopped into the truck and pulled out of the driveway speeding of quickly down the road.


“Where the hell have you been?” Adriana came up behind me with fumes practically coming out of her ears. “I have been worried sick the pass three days. I thought you were depressed about the whole Nat…” her voice trailed off.

“Siege?” I turned around to an uncomfortable Nathan. His hand scratching the back of his head. Alex tensed up. “Can I talk to you?”

“Um, sure.” I smiled weakly at Alex. Everything is going to be okay.

We went over to a tree that sat in the middle of the school yard.

“I’m sorry for ra-“he cut off, he couldn’t even say it. “I feel awful, I will never drink that much again. Will you forgive me?”

“Of course… it’s my fault to for being drunk too.”

“No it’s my entire fault.”

Then I heard Adriana call my name and pointed to a girl that was all over Alex. She rubbed his arm and he winked at her and pulled her close to his chest. And kissed her, pr well it looked like he did.

My heart fell to the ground. Maybe I was crazy for believing he would never leave. Maybe it’s his time to move on.



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