Chapter 6

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WARNING: the content in this chapter may be to mature for some ages. so in other words it's gory and you don't like that stuff please don't read it.

Chapter 6

Alex pulled up in front of my house, taking the key out of the ignition. He looked at me with concern written all over his face.

“Call me if you need anything.”

“I will… I’ll be okay.” He took my face in between his hands.

“Call me if he hurts you.”

Our lips were inches apart, his breath was caressing my skin and then they met. They were so, so, so close and I wanted to kiss them so bad. Then a loud banging sound came from my side of the car.

“What the H-“My step jerk was pounding on the window. “Get out of the fucking car, Siege. We need to talk.”

“I’ll see you later, okay.” He kisses me on the cheek and I got out.

“What!” I looked at the man that stood in front of me. “Couldn’t you see I was in the middle of something.”

“Don’t you dare talk to me like that…” he lifted his hand and then thought twice.

He was pretty beat up but surprisingly he didn’t have a black eye just a few bruises here and there. “You’re mother needs to tell you something.”

I followed him inside the house and saw my mother smiling at me and then frowned at me. “What happened to your face?”

MY step father’s eyes slid to mine. “I um… fell.”

“Where?” she looked angry.

“At the steps outside, I was goofing off, trying to show off for Alex and fell.”

“You need to be more careful baby.” She kissed me on the cheek and then set me at the table.

“So I have some news for you.” Her frown turned into a smile “I have to go on a business trip for work and you step father agreed to look over you while I’m gone. Now it’s only for a couple of weeks and then I’ll be back. You won’t even know I’m gone.”

My jaw dropped to the floor. “What? Mom, no, you can’t go… I’ll miss you too much.” I hugged her around the waist, desperate for her not to leave me alone with my abuser.

“She has to go Siege, it your mom’s work.” My step jerk looked at me with an evil grin.

“Oh, sweetie I’ll miss you to but your step dad is right… it’s for work.” She kissed my head and then went to the master bedroom to grab her bags.

“You’re in for it when your mom leaves.” He whispers in my ear.

“Okay babies I’m leaving. I’ll see you in two weeks.” She kiss me on the cheek and then kissed the jerk on the lips and left.

Tear’s where already finding their way down my face as I watch her leave in out shiny black maxima.

“She’s gone and you’re all mine.” He moans in my ear and grabbing me around the waist.

I was to shocked to even move. Was he really trying to sexually assault me? His hand slid over my butt and pulled me closer to him.

“Let go!” I hollered and kicked him in his family jewels. “What the hell! The only reason I didn’t tell my mother about you is because you make her happy not so you can have all the free will to rape me!”

He smiled. “I had no intention to raping you until your friend beat the shit out of me but now I just want to get you in that bed just to spite him.”

“Well you can’t or I will tell.”

“Tell who? Your mom? Your pretty boy boyfriend?” he saw my expression. “They can’t do anything.”

“You’re a real dick you know that.” My back was against the wall.

“I am what I have.” God he sounded like the guys a school.

He pressed me up against the tan painted walls and started to kiss my neck. This brought back memories of my dad running his hands under my shirt when I was five or a couple nights ago when Nathan went all the way with me. Except this time there was nobody there to save me.

Anger burned through my veins. “I said NO!” I pushed him away yet again kicking him in his area. “I’m sick of people raping me. Get the hell away!”

He doubled over holding himself. “You’re going to pay for that severely.” He pulled something silver out of his pocket. It took me a moment to realize that it was a knife. “Every time you talk back to me or hurt me. I will use this.” It glinted in the light and my heart stopped.

The blade came so swiftly I didn’t even see him move. It struck down the side of my midriff and my screams echoed through the house. Tear’s where really falling now, as blood dropped all over the floor.

“Next time you’ll listen.” He whispered in my ear and then walked off laughing.

The gash on the side needed stitched but it wasn’t deep enough to kill me. I stumbled to the bathroom and slipped off the clothes the best I could and then hopped into the warm shower letting it fall over my bloody wound.

The last thing I remember doing was calling Alex and then I blacked out.


so i hope you like it!

Comment and tell me what you think!

Alex's mom will be in the next chapter but the picture on the right will show you how i picture her

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