Gwen Galley

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I fidgeted with my pencil while waiting for my teacher to call my name during roll call. I was sitting in Math class, notebook in front of me, ready to take down some notes. I wasn't exactly the most popular person in the room, so I sat by myself in the back, eyeing everybody else without trying to get caught. To my left I saw Meena Caldwell, talking to Farrah Everwood with excitement in her eyes. While I couldn't tell what she was saying, I knew it was probably about her baby cousin. When Meena and I were closer last year, she told me how happy she was. She always loved babies. It's not that we ended our 'friendship' on a bad note, we just never really had one in the first place. Aside from a few smiles and occasional casual conversations about class, we didn't talk very much. I kind of hated that because I thought she was a cool person. She was rather pretty, too. She had dark hair and light brown eyes. All the boys loved her, but she was dating someone long distance. Why, I'll never understand. She could have any guy she wanted! But then again, the guys here weren't the best people. Sure, there's some really attractive ones, but they play girls like fiddles. Hmph... that was probably why she didn't date them. My teacher got up and finally called names. 

"Briana Abraham. " she called.

No answer. 

"Meena Caldwell. "

"Here," she quips.

I stopped listening because I saw this guy, Marcus Delaney. He was the best looking guy in our class, no doubt. I've always had a mini crush on him but never tried to get with him because he is a PROVEN dickwad. Besides, he preferred happy little white girls who smile all the time and wear glittery lip gloss. I was a caramel skinned, frizzy haired bowl of awkwardness and sarcasm. I still couldn't help lusting over him, though. He'd turned to me and asked if I had an extra pencil. 

I gave him a pink one, just to see how he'd react. 

"Thanks." He says, turning back around.

No reaction. Cool.

"Gwen Galley?" My teacher called.

"Here," I replied absentmindedly.

As she went down the list, I looked around some more. Quinn Darling was in here chewing his gum nervously. I understood why, though. Being a freshman in high school really is sorta scary. He had yet to make a real friend. He talks to Ti sometimes, but--

"Tiana Rose." My teacher called out. My eyebrows rose in surprise as my eyes searched around the Room. No answer. Ti, as I called her, had earphones in her ear. My teacher rolled her eyes in annoyance and walked over to where she is.

Ti was probably looking down or something because the teacher stood there for a whole 15 seconds. "What?" She asked the teacher, looking up.

"No earphones in class, Miss Rose. You need to put them away."

Ti sighs and takes them out. The teacher calls the next name and Ti looks so annoyed. And then she spots me. She cheeses hard at me and I smile back. How didn't I know she was in this class?!?! You'd think I would've noticed her bright colored hair by now! She had curly blonde hair. She'd dyed it a few weeks after I met her and she never went back. She must have gotten switched over to my class. I was glad because, aside from Meena, I didn't talk to anyone else. After the teacher finished roll call, Ti moved to where I was, while the teacher was preoccupied with another teacher that came in the room.

"Oh my Gosh! Hi!" I said in a hushed tone.

"Hi," she replied. I could smell her cologne. She always said she wore it to attract the ladies. My best friend Tiana Rose is one of the only (openly) gay girls at Franklin High. That being said, she gets a lot of negative attention.

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