Chapter 4

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I sit in the bench, not moving. A lady sits across from me. Her hair pulled back into a gray knot. She has a few wrinkles around her eyes and mouth. She looks like she's in her late 50s. She has her hands folded nicely on the table. She smiled at me when I first got on the train, but now her smile is faded. Replaced by a frown. She shifts a little.

"Well, your mind must be over flowing with questions." She says. Her voice so sweat and gentle. She's right, I have so many questions it hurts my brain. I would ask, but I wouldn't know where to start. I sit up a little.

"You're correct, my mind is over flowing with questions." I say, trying to keep my voice as smooth as possible.

"Do you want to ask them?" They lady asks.

I shake my head. "No ma'am" I say. "I wouldn't know where to start."

"Please call me Helen, and start with the one you want to know the most." The lady - Helen - says.

I think for a moment before asking "how did I survive?"

"The surgery?" She asks. I nod. "Cause you're different. You're body was strong enough to handle it. There is no true explanation." She says, her blue eyes staring deep into mine.

"What'd they do in the surgery room?" I ask, I'm a little afraid of what Helen might say.

"They made you less human." She says, making me shiver. "You are half human, half technology."

"Why did they create us?" I ask, unable to stop my self.

"They started this program because of war. As you know, it's breaking out everywhere. You're kind are supposed to help us. You'll be trained in the most harshest ways possible. You'll learn how to be the best. You'll win the war. You'll take over the world." Helen says.

"Are you one of us?" I ask.

"Yes, I am. Though my body has become too weak to fight. I'm now here to watch over you during training. I'm also kind of like a Guidance Counselor. Like the ones at your school."

Then it hits me. "Our family. What about our families?"

"They know you've been kidnapped. They'll think you're dead, bury an empty coffin, grief over you, and move on." She says in so flatly it makes me shiver.

"There is a room down there. Go get some rest." She says.

I nod my head and stand up. I walk down the long car. The blue carpet is soft under my bare feet. The gray walls are plain, nothing on them except a mirror now and then. I don't look at myself in the mirror.

I find an oak door. I open it and see a room. I walk inside. In front of me is a queen size bed. To my left is a bathroom, to my right is a closet. I walk over to the bed. I move the big blue covers and climb in. Pulling the covers back over me, I lay my head on the pillow and close my eyes.

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