And with that he took her lips to his, feeding his long hunger for her. In complete shock, Integra's eyes stayed open as the Crimson King claimed her mouth with his. Alucard watched her as he drew his eyes up to met hers as he continued to claim her mouth. Integra managed to take in a breath and breathed in the scent of the old Vampire King. And with her inhale she closed her eyes and allowed herself to take him in. He smells of spice, sweet musk, and sweet firewood, probably because of his spending so much time by the fireplace. When she exhaled she opened her mouth slightly, perhaps in a subconscious relief, to which Alucard took the opportunity to put his long and mastered tongue in her mouth.

This caused Integra's eyes to shoot open and for her to push herself away from his mouths command of hers. He had not tasted as she thought he would have. She had thought a few times of what it would be like kiss Alucard, but she then felt displeased with herself for even considering it and told herself he probably tastes of blood and his breath smelled of the dead. However, this was not the case. As Integra tried to catch her brain up to what was going on both inside and outside her body, she realized he didn't taste of blood or cadavers at all. Rather he tasted of freshly picked plum and his breath smelled of the earth when it first rains. Not the moldy smell of wet, but the first smells and indications that it has begun to start raining. 

Gasping slightly for air, Integra flushed red with embarrassment for his actions and her reactions.

"What the hell Alucard?!" Integra almost whined.

"I needed to taste you." Alucard replied simply as if he was referring to his breakfast preferences.

Integra went on, almost frantic, "You CANNOT just kiss me like that you oaf! You cannot DO THAT! I am YOUR MASTER ALUCARD! THIS IS NOT HOW WE ARE TO CONDUCT OURSELVES. WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU!?" It was evident the Iron Maiden was not used to such advances and frankly didn't know how to handle them, so she chose to do what she knew, which was to get upset and start yelling.

Alucard stood to his full height letting out a sigh in, exasperation? He looked down at his Lady and thought for a moment before responding with absolute candor:

"I have full right to do with you what I please. And what I desire more than anything is to have your silky hair between my fingers, your lips red and sore from the punishment of mine, your pale body exposed to only me. You quivering and writhing underneath me. And, you trying to plead for me to give you a rest, as I continued to pleasure you till my desires were sated."

Taken aback by this sudden confession the Iron Maiden was suddenly dizzy and sat back down on her bed behind her. Alucard opened the Maidens legs open with resistance because of her shock. Moving closer to her so that his breath could warm her ear Alucard whispered:

"This is what you agreed to after all my lady. And when I won our little wager, I earned the right to do with you as I see fit. You're a women of your word. It is one of the infinite things I adore about you." Alucard moved his nose down her neck taking in her familiar scent and went back to her ear to say, "You will do this because it was what you agreed to do. I also know, my delectable Master, that you want this just as much as I want this. You need me to take control of you, your mind, your body. You crave my domination. I can see it when you look at me and think I cannot see. I can sense it in your tense fragile body. I can smell it on you, my lady."

With that, Alucard lowered his mouth to the Maidens neck and left a deep kiss that he marked with his tongue. He then left a trail of kisses to her collar bone, pulling aside her powder blue blouse and white bra with ease. When his fingers touched her naked shoulder, Integra shivered and let out a small sound foreign to herself- a small whine. Displeased with how unfamiliar and helpless she felt (and frankly had been feeling for a long time now) she tried to reason with the ancient vampire at her neck.

"B-But I know n-nothing about this kind of thing. My experiences are extremely limited. I-I-I won't be enough. It really isn't worth your time", Integra pleaded in a small voice. She couldn't believe the words out of her mouth! Was she stuttering? Why hadn't she demand Alucard stop this absolute madness? Why would she have agreed to anything with this maniac? He had clearly lost her mind wanting any part of her. Who was she? The Iron Maiden. England's most eligible, unwanted Lady. Before she could get too deep into her thoughts, she was pulled back to the present with a sharp pain on her collar bone."Damn! Ouch!" She looked to see a puncture wound on her shoulder. She looked to Alucard who had blood on one of his impossible teeth.

"Don't ever speak that way about yourself, my love. I will not have anyone spewing any lies about you. Not even you. "

"You do not love me Alucard, this is all just an act to embarrass me and it has worked. I am humiliated and embarrassed because I have never had the favor or attention of a man, and now the night King is going to fuck me till the cows come home? Is that it then?" Integra let our a small burst of a laugh at her own words.

Suddenly Integra was looking at the intricate ceiling in her bedroom. When she tried to sit up, Integra was sure she felt a steel bar keep her down. In an instant Alucard's soft and long raven hair, his moon white face, and his impossible liquid blood eyes were all she could see.

"I rarely joke my love, and when it comes to you, I never do. I want to consume every inch of you my sweet Integra. I want your essence to radiate off of me and mine off you. I will never allow for another to have you, for you are mine and have been since the day I laid eyes on you. And I will spend the rest of your life proving those facts to you, Trust me".

Majestic Desire (AlucardxIntegra)Where stories live. Discover now