"Don't tell me I'm overreacting, damnit!" He growled, and I pursed my lips angrily at his temper. "I've nearly lost you too many times, Lana!" He gripped my shoulders tightly, but not painfully. "I love you. I love you so much it hurts. Literally hurts Lana, because I'm terrified of what I would be if I lost you." His hands moved to cup my face as he rained soft kisses all over my face before pressing his lips to mine in a more passionate fashion. I moved to meet him and felt as his hands caressed down my arms and settled at my hips. I moved myself to push against him, and laughed when my pregnant belly accidentally pushed him backward. He joined in on my laughter and cupped my face once more. "Just, think about it, okay? We can be a happy little family with the four of us. I can't...I can't handle this all over again. I can't risk losing you."

I looked down and considered it. "Okay Ian, I'll think about it. Until then..." I met his gaze with a seductive look and he shook his head.

"No, no missy. Doctor's orders. You rest. No sexy time." I pouted but acquiesced once his lips met mine again. "Doctor didn't say I can't make out with you though." He mumbled against my lips and I giggled in response.

I allowed myself to melt into the man I love and pushed the negative thoughts away. Maybe he was right. Maybe it was safer to stop now. With another painful twinge in my belly I let out a gasp. Ian pulled away looking worried. "What's wrong?" I shook my head, putting on a quick smile.

"Nothing, I just love kissing you." I covered breathlessly, before pulling him back to me. I'm sure it was nothing anyway.


I hoped Greg wasn't as thick as he was acting after giving him what hints I was willing to send his way. I saw Katie move into action and I kept them in my periphery until both Katie and Christine moved in the direction of the loo. Katie's method hadn't exactly been creative, but it was nonetheless effective.

I casually made my way over to Micah who had gone to pour himself another drink. He looked up to see who had approached him and seemed to jump once he noticed it was me. I smiled coyly at him. I hated that son of a bitch and I was going to make him suffer. I hadn't invited him and I didn't want him here. Tonight was going to be fun. "Nice party, Fiore." He started, looking around for where Christine had disappeared to.

"Thank you. I'm surprised you came back for one after you ruined the last one you came to." I answered coolly, but not enough to threaten. At least, not yet.

Micah ignored my statement and took a long sip from his drink before meeting my gaze. "How can I help you, Fiore?" He asked in a gruffer, less formal tone.

"You could die, that would make my life simpler. I have a lovely toaster that needs a bath. Or you could just go away and not return." I smiled sweetly, my eyes scanning the room. Katie had done a decent job with Christine and no one else was about to come to this wanker's rescue. I caught sight of Christine taking Katie upstairs and moved my gaze back to Micah, whose face had transformed into an angry grimace. "Aww, did I hurt your feelings?" I cooed. "Relax, it's a party. Even a piss poor excuse waste of human existence can have a little fun."

"Listen Fiore, whether you like it or not, Christine and I are getting married." He sneered. "Nothing's going to change that. You know for a fact she's head over heels for me and wants this marriage."

I couldn't hold back the giggle that escaped my lips. "Oh my dear, she's settled for you. Her prince charming went and broke her heart and you are her sloppy silver medal. And you will always be compared to him in her heart. How does it feel knowing you'll always be second place?"

"She told me she doesn't feel that way for him anymore." Micah sputtered, failing miserably at a witty retort. "You know the old Christine. I know the Christine she's grown into." He attempted.

Emotionally Incapable (Third Book to Politically Incorrect)Where stories live. Discover now