chapter 49

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Day one of my new life. Once i stood up and did all my morning stuff, i drove to the gallery. I parked the car and stood in front of the house, staring at the studio. I just stood there, filled with hopes and dreams. I pulled the key out of my pocket, a small pendant from Shannon hang on it, a small camera and a tiny heart. He gave me the pendant on the party and i loved it Immediately. I took a step further, unlocked the door and went in. Taking a deep breath and I realized that this was mine now.

After setting up the deco i hung an open sign in the door. I took a look around, something was missing. I thought about what i set up and what was still in the boxes. I stopped as i lokked at the empty cupboard at the only one blue wall. The pictures i choose from my last shootings weren't there. I had even one from the every first interview i had with my boys, one of my favorite photos. As I placed the photos in the cupboard, the door got opened. I turned around and saw my very first customer, a young woman in a red, tight dress. "Good morning Miss, how can i help you?" "Good morning, i saw your add in the bus. Do you take nude photos?" "Yes! In every way you can Imagine." I smiled. "Fantastic! It's my boyfriend's birthday tomorrow and I wanted to give him something special." "That's definitely something special. Do you have time now, so we could start right now." "I have, but you have to say me what i should do." "I gonna. I have a separate room in the back, would you follow me?" We went to the back as the door opened again. Alva came in and hugged me Immediately. "What are you doing here?" "Good morning to you too Ri. Oh well... uhm... I hoped... I wanted..." "C'mon spell it Alva." "Do you have a job for me?" She asked nervously. "What? Okay wait. I have a client, I'll bring her to the setting and come back." Alva nodded and I brought the young woman to the room in the back. I told her she should take off her clothes as far as she wants and while that I went back to Alva. "So tell me what happened." "They fired me." "Why?" "They said they wouldn't need me." "Wow, that's hard. Okay, for today you can work here and then we have to see." "Oh great thank you Ri." "No problem Alva. I'll in the separate room if you need me."

The nude shooting took 3 hours and now we were choosing 2 photos for the gift. Eventually we found 2. Once the woman left the studio again i started to make her gift. We decided to make a 2-in-1 picture, means a actually normal picture and a smaller one in a corner. It took me an hour to edit it. I put it in a black, wooden frame and wrapped it in a nice red paper. Shortly before I closed the studio, the woman came back to pick up the gift. She paid, said thanks and goodbye and left. Only one customer, but hey, it was better than no customer.

I arrived at home, Jared and Shannon waited already for me and the dinner i bought on my way home. Something vegan actually for Jared and meat for Shannon and me, but we ended up sharing everything, besides the meat. "Guys... Uhm... Alva was in the studio today and asked for a job." "What happened?" Jared asked with full mouth. "They fired her, because they had no use for her." "Oh wow. What did you say?" "Well, she worked today for me. I think I'll give her a job. I know her and i don't have to work her in." "That's true babe, it depends on you, could you pay her?" "I could. And i need someone who helps me in the studio." Jared and Shannon nodded understanding. "If you want to, then do it. She's maybe the best employee you can find." Jared smiled. "I knew you would say that, but i wanted to know what you 2 think." "It's a good thing." Shannon said, leaning over to me and kissed me.

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