Mindless Blood Saga Book II- Mindless Blood Lust

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Mindless Blood Saga.

Book II Mindless Blood Lust

“They know, I can’t believe they know.” A woman says pacing the tiny cell, “we have to save them, they can’t make the same mistakes we did, or they will die, he will use them for their powers!”

“Yes, we must save them. We have to get out of here.” The man says, as he thinks carefully. “I can’t believe they survived all these years, I’m happy they’re alive.”

“But for how long are they alive? The counsel has been snopping around them, there’s no telling what they’ve found out. How? How will we get out of here. There’s no way out.” The woman says letting out a frustrated sigh, trying desperately to think of a plan. “There are a thousands of them all over this place, we will never get out of here alive.” 

“We will figure out a way Savannah, I promise, we will make sure they’re safe.” He says.

“I hope so Christopher, I hope so.” She says as they desperately try to figure out an escape plan.

Sidney goes back to her room, she’s filled with rage. She feels like her mom is lying to her. She’s tired of lies! All she wants is the truth. When she gets in her room she’s startled that SiSi and Rae are already in there, sitting on her bed. She nearly has a heart attack.

“What are you two doing in here.” She yells startled.

Rae puts a finger to her lips, “shhh, you wouldn’t want your mother to hear.” She says, as she points to the window, “you really shouldn’t leave that open there are maniacs out there.” She says grinning.

Sidney lowers her voice, “sorry you two just scared me,” she says sighing.

“So you wanna know why your mother won’t let you see us?” SiSi asks.

Sidney nods.

“Your mother obviously knows more than she’s letting on.” Rae says, as the two girls feel her  in on everything. They tell her about their real parents, how they have venom that’s spreading throughout their body, and how she was apparently ‘adopted’ while they were kidnapped.

“The story just doesn’t add up, we were kidnapped but you were ‘adopted.’” SiSi says.

“And now all of a sudden that you’ve found out the truth your mom doesn’t want us around, that’s fishy to me. She has to be hiding something.”

Sidney is stunned, her mouth is hanging open, Rae closes it for her.

“I know it’s a lot to take in, but we need you to let it settle quick.” Rae says bluntly. “it’s a lot of stuff going on, and you need to keep up sis.”

“I just can’t believe this. Why do you think my mother knew about all of this?” Sidney asks.

“Have you ever seen any adoption papers?” SiSi asks.

Sidney thinks and shakes her head no. “My parents said they would show them to me, but they never did.”

“Exactly. I’m not saying they knew everything but they know more than you think.” Rae says.

Sidney becomes outraged, and her first thought is to defend her parents, “They wouldn’t lie to me!” Sidney says defensively.

Rae laughs, “so you’re actually going to believe them over your own blood sisters?”
Sidney doesn’t reply.

“Well when you figure out they’re lying to you, we’ll be expecting you. See you soon.” Rae says and they leave out.


Neah and Ray are taking their usual stroll through the forest.

“Thanks for not saying anything when we were in hunting with the others.” Neah says.

“I don’t understand why you don’t want them to know.” Ray says, “they’ll find out eventually.”

“NO! They can’t find out, my dad says no one can know about my mother being human when they got pregnant with me, he says if anyone finds out this could get back to the counsel.” She says barely above a whisper.

“T-the counsel? What’s that?” Ray asks intrigued.

“The counsel are a coven of the powerful most skillful vampires, and the head vampire is the king over every vampire there is. His name is Malachi, he is centuries old. He has a range of powers. He chooses the best and most skillful vampires for his army. No one would be a match for them, there are over thousands of them. They are very old and very powerful. They reside in London England, in a palace. I can’t believe Vince never told you about that?” She asks.

Ray shakes his head no.

“Well there are certain laws that vampires must abide by. Humans and vampire relationships are forbidden, hence me being half and half that can’t happen. Also humans aren’t supposed to know about vampires, and last there can be no massive killing that will draw humans to finding out who vampires really are.”

“Wow. I can’t believe this. That’s who I saw in the vision you gave me, it must have been one of Malachi’s men! And that’s who was following us, we need to tell Vin-”

“No, we can’t tell him about me being half-human, if we do my family will be summoned to England, and they will kill us, you can’t tell anyone. Promise me Ray, I’m trusting you with this and the boys, please.”

Ray knows he will regret this, but the look in her eyes makes him melt he had no choice, “I promise.” he says.

Rae and SiSi make it back the Herbert mansion. Rae rushes into Princeton’s arms, and he kisses her all over.

“I missed you baby.” He says.

“I missed you two, I love you so much.” She says.

“Oh baby, I love you too.”

SiSi is looking on them with the evil eye, she hates their lovey dovey attitude.

Roc looks her over, and slightly rolls his eyes, she makes her way to him.

“I think we need to talk.” She says. Right as they are about to go to his room the doorbell rings.

Everyone makes their way to the doorway becoming defensive immediately.

Rae opens the door, and rolls her eyes. “Well well, I knew you would be crawling back.” She says.

“I want to make my parents pay.” Sidney says with rage filled eyes.

“Join the club.” SiSi says, as they invite Sidney in.


Stay tuned. -Rae

Mindless Blood Saga Book II- Mindless Blood LustWhere stories live. Discover now