Vicinity Check

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Aemospilze is isolated from the rest of this dirty, corrupted world...

In Aemosplize there are different vicinities, five to be exact and all persons are separated into these vicinities when they reach the deciding age of nineteen. The five vicinities are , V1-Air, V2-Water, V3-Fire, V4-Earth and V5-Ice.

At the age of 19, where you go is decided by a simple yet painful test. Everyone MUST take this test, and very few die, those who reject the test are sentenced to severe punishment which includes torture. You may be asking yourself why such extremes and all for what? It is quite simple actually, in Aemosplize , because of communism, the government makes the decisions and they want order.

Order is the main reason why this system is now mandatory. Some have tried to rebel and overthrow the government but up to this day no one has ever done it or even come close to it. It all starts off pretty simple though but then again don't we all?

Esther was a quiet girl, of the deciding age. She was taken into a room and led to a chair. She was about to be tested to see which vicinity she belonged to. She was scared as hell and didn't know what on Earth to do.

The first test was the test of fire which she failed, and very badly if I might say so. I guess that can be added to her fears. The second was the test of water. The room where she sat in was filled with water. Seawater of course. She wiggled around in her seat as she tried to get lose of the straps. It was useless. Within seconds it was clear she failed

Time for the third I suppose. Through a secret compartment the room was filled with actual dirt, and within seconds it completely covered the girl. Usually, for this exercise, the patient dies if she or he doesn't belong to V-4 (Earth). The dirt was drained from the room and there sat the girl but she wasn't tied on to the chair anymore, her straps were lose and this could only mean one thing, Her vicinity is Earth.

A bright red light was flashed and the door unlocked, the girl was taken out of the testing room and led into a bigger room where she would be given a host to stay with. Usually, it will be someone older and experienced. She would have to spend the rest of her days in V-4.

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