"floor 3 room number 45, Ryan says" Luke said and Styles nodes pressing the buttons. When the elevator stops and its safe to walk out they do. Joy looks for the room number and points at it. Luke prays that he is there and knocks.

about two minutes passed and Arzaylea is face to face with them. she smiles hugging Luke.

"thank god! I didn't have your guys number and Calum hasn't ate or even left the guest rooms bed!" She says and Luke pushes her off.

"so my dad is here!" Styles yells and she nodes. they walk in and she points to the guest room. Luke ran to the room and opens it.

"you fucker!" Luke yelled and Calum looked at him. Calum got up and hugged him. "no! i was worried! Everyone was worried!" Luke says.

"okay did everything i said I would do" Luke says.

"forgot to kiss him" Joy says and Luke nodes kissing Calum.

"i am sorry, I thought you left me and i was high. I didn't know what to do so i went with Arzaylea. I haven't ate, talked, or even moved. I messed up" Calum says and Joy hugs him.

"lets go home" Joy says and Styles hugs him too. Luke stands there and looks back at Arzaylea. he sighs and walks to her.

"thank you" Luke says and hugs her. she hugs back smiling into it.

"no problem, i was worried for him, and i waned to say sorry. i heard that you guys were getting married and he was so upset" Arzaylea says looking down.

"its okay. i want you to be at the wedding though! i hope you can be there" Luke says and she nodes.

"dad! i am tired" Styles says to Luke. He nodes and picks him up.

"Don't worry we have plenty of time to sleep on the flight back" Luke says and he nodes resting his head on his shoulder.

"ill ask Sim to go faster" Joy says and Calum nodes. they all say their goodbyes and left.

Luke looked at Calum and noticed the frown on his face. the tan skin was draining out of his body. he looks skinnier and his mussels were going to fade.

"Love you okay?" Luke asked and Calum shook his head.

"i lost you, nothing is okay! i get if you don't want to get married anymore. i smoked weed and ran away. I don't deserve you. i feel like you need someone better" Calum says looking down at his lap.

the taxi pulled up and they all went in. Joy told him where to get them dropped off and the man nodes.

"Cal, you are what i need. you make me happy! I couldn't live without you" Luke says and Calum looks at him.

"so we are getting married?" Calum asked and Luke chuckles.

"yes, we are getting married" Luke says and Calum puts his head on Luke's shoulder. The car ride was silent its also calm. the lights of the city were beautiful. Calum looks at Luke smiling at him.

how he is lucky to have such a man. his blond hair and blue eyes. his pink plumped lips and his lip ring.

"Lukey, can you sing to me" Styles says and Luke nodes grabbing him. the plane was waiting for them as Styles rest his head on his shoulder. they walked out of the car and walked towards the plane. Luke walked up with Styles and sat down. Calum laid down next to them watching his two worlds.

"you are my sunshine, my only sunshine" Luke starts to sing.

"you make me happy when skies are grey" Calum sings along.

"you'll never no dear" Luke sings.

"how much i love you" Calum sings.

"please don't take my sunshine away" Luke and Calum singed as Styles fell asleep. Calum kisses Luke cheek and smiles at him.

"you know i love you right?" Calum says and Luke nodes.

"yes, but i love you more" Luke says kissing his forehead. Joy watched the family smiling at them. her son is finally happy.


then the plane crashes!

the end!

jk guys!

anyways i am bored and people are over my house...

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