Chapter Fifty Eight

Start from the beginning

"You can do this Li" Zayn murmurs and Liam just nods, knocking lightly on the door, before he carefully opens it, he stops in his tracks when he sees his dad in a hospital bed hooked up to various machines, his mum sitting beside him clutching his hand in her own. Karen looks up at them and smiles tightly, "hi baby boy" she murmurs, gesturing for Liam to come in, Liam pouts and moves quickly to hug his mum, "what happened Mum?" he murmurs as they pull apart. Karen sighs and makes grabby hands at Zayn, first hugging him, then pulling Bella from his arms, cuddling the still somehow sleeping toddler into her chest. "He's been coughing a lot these past few days, and last night he just couldn't stop. I woke up to him coughing and then he just passed out, I called an ambulance, and then Ruth, and here we are" Karen explains, tearing up a little, and hugging Bella a little tighter. Liam frowns, "have they told you anything?" he asks and Karen shakes her head, "he's stable, we're waiting on test results" she says quietly, as Bella begins to stir in her arms. Liam nods, moving to sit in one of the other chairs, he wishes he could be cuddling Bella knows her warmth would comfort him, but he also knows his mum needs her too right now. As if he's reading his mind Zayn sits on Liam's lap, hugging him tightly, "he'll be alright Liam" he murmurs, resting his head on Liam's shoulder. Liam sighs, nodding his head "I hope so Zee, he has to be" he murmurs, wrapping his arms around Zayn tightly.

Nicola and Ruth come back into the room each carrying a few drinks and followed by a doctor, the girls set all the drinks down on a small table in the corner, everyone looking expectantly at the man. "Sorry to keep you all waiting, but I have the results. Geoff has severe pneumonia, we've caught it in time, so that with rest and the right medication, he should be back to himself in a few days" the doctor explains. Liam furrows his eyebrows, "how did he get pneumonia?" he asks slowly. The doctor sighs, "given the compromised state his lungs are always in with his condition, it's very easy for him to contract pneumonia. I would guess he caught a cold and it just went into his lungs, we're going to start him on the antibiotics now, and he should be good to go home this afternoon" the doctor answers. Liam nods slowly, feeling relief wash over him as Zayn hugs him, just as a nurse breezes into the room, pushing a syringe of something, probably the antibiotics into Geoff's IV line. "Right I'll leave you guys now, if anyone has any questions feel free to have me paged" the doctor whose name Liam never caught but he figures his mum has, says before he and the nurse leave the room, the door clicking shut behind them. Ruth sighs sinking into a chair beside Liam, as Nicola passes everyone a cup, Liam smiles when he sees a bottle of apple juice still sitting on the table, "thanks Nic" he murmurs, taking a sip of the warm coffee.

Bella wakes up then squirming in Karen's arms "Baba? Where go?" Bella mumbles tiredly before she blinks and looks up at Karen, "Grandma?' she asks. Karen smiles tiredly, "hi baby girl, did you have a good sleep?" she asks gently, Bella nods, rubbing at her eyes and looking around the room. Liam can tell she's confused, as she pouts, looking towards him and Zayn, "Baba, where we?" she asks. Zayn chuckles climbing out of Liam's lap, passing him his coffee as he does, Liam pouts but takes the cup, watching as Zayn moves to crouch in front of his mum and Bella. "We're at the hospital Boo. Grandpa was sick and we brought Daddy to see him" Zayn explains gently "Grandpa have owie?"Bella asks pointing to her cast, Liam smiles slightly as Zayn shakes his head "not quite the same, but the doctors are helping him get better too" he explains. Liam watches as Bella cocks her head to the side thinking, before she shrugs and turns towards Karen "it okay Grandma" she mumbles patting Karen's cheek Liam smiles as Karen leans down pressing a kiss to Bella's cheek, "thank you sweet girl" she murmurs, just as Zayn moves to sit with Liam again.

Liam admits he feels better knowing his dad's going to be okay, he just feels bad that he woke Zayn and Bella up early to find out what was going on. "Hey I know that look, we're all fine, just gonna be a little tired today, but it's Saturday. It's fine" Zayn reassures, pressing kisses to Liam's cheeks and lips, just as Geoff starts to stir on the bed. "Where am I?" he mumbles and Liam watches as Bella excitedly pats his hand, "with doctor Grandpa" she murmurs, "make all better" Bella adds, as the adults all chuckle slightly. Zayn moves, pulling Bella back into his arms so Karen can fuss over her husband, "Baba" Bella whines and Zayn just chuckles "Daddy needs cuddles" Zayn stage whispers and Liam lets out a light laugh as Bella furrows her eyebrows as she looks at him, before shrugging and diving out of Zayn's arms into his. "Hey baby girl" Liam coos, pressing a kiss to her cheek. Bella giggles "hi Daddy, daddy sad?" she asks, poking his lip, Liam chuckles, "not anymore, I was, but now I know what's going on with my dad, um Grandpa, so I'm okay. Plus I love your hugs" he answers. Bella pouts, biting her lip before she shrugs and snuggles into his neck, "love Daddy" she sighs, "I love you too" Liam murmurs, hugging her close.

Liam feels a lot more relaxed now that his dad is awake and he has his girl in his arms, Zayn's across the room talking to both of Liam's parents, and sisters, and Nicola and Ruth are grilling him on all things wedding as well. Liam laughs as Zayn sends him a pleading look, "Baba wants help, should we help him?" he asks Bella who shrugs, before looking over to Zayn and shaking her head no, "Baba fine, Bella cuddle Daddy" she states burrowing into his chest again. Liam chuckles just as Ruth comes across the room to him, "so your fiancé knows very little about your wedding, care to explain why?" she asks, rubbing a hand down Bella's back, the girl looking out at her before swatting her hand away and snuggling into Liam again. "Bella don't hit Auntie Ruth" Liam scolds gently, only to get a slight whimper and head shake in response, before he turns to his sister. "He probably doesn't have your answers because we've only been engaged a short time, and I want him to finish school before we start planning anything too seriously" Liam explains. Ruth nods her head, an understanding look on her face, "I'm glad you found him Li" she murmurs, "I am too Roo" he answers quietly "I'm even more glad he said yes" Liam murmurs. Ruth grins, "I think everybody is, he's good for you bro, they both are" she says, patting Bella's back again, who just whines. Liam smiles, holding Bella closer "thanks Ruth, and sorry about her, she's just tired" he murmurs but Ruth just laughs, waving him off, "I understand Li. I'm sorry for waking you all up by the way" she murmurs. Liam just shrugs, "don't be I needed to be here, and I needed them too, even if I didn't know it until Zayn made me let them come" he mumbles. Ruth laughs then patting Liam's arm, "like I said they're good for you" she grins, before disappearing across the room again.

Zayn comes back over a few minutes later as his dad falls asleep again and everyone goes quiet again, "how's she holding up?" Zayn asks, gesturing to Bella who is still snuggled into Liam's chest, not that he minds. "She's fine a little grumpy but I think she's tired, even though she stayed asleep I don't think it was a good sleep after we left" he answers. "Daddy, go home?" Bella asks, blinking up at both of them, Liam smiles at her, they've been at the hospital for a couple hours now, and now that he knows his dad is alright he'd be okay with going back home and just curling up with Zayn and Arabella and having a nap. "Yeah, love we can go home. Why don't you go say goodbye to Grandma, Grandpa, Auntie Ruth and Auntie Nicola, then we can go" Liam answers. Bella narrows her eyes as she eyes everyone in the room before sighing and climbing off Liam's lap, quickly going around hugging everyone else, to say goodbye, Liam smiles as he watches Ruth pick her up so Bella can press a kiss to his dad's cheek, as he's already asleep. When she comes back over she reaches towards Zayn who scoops her into his arms, "done, home now?" she asks. Liam chuckles before nodding his head, just let me say goodbye okay?" he asks Bella huffs but doesn't say anything so Liam shakes his head moving to say goodbye to his family. "Let me know how he is, and if you need anything Mum, just call okay?" Liam asks hugging her close to him. Karen sighs, "I will, you take care of those two, love you" she murmurs. Liam pulls away from his mum, "I will, love you too Mum" he mumbles pressing a kiss to her cheek, before moving to grab Bella's backpack off the floor.

When they get back to the apartment Zayn puts on Frozen and Liam cuddles both him and Bella close to him as the movie starts playing, Bella is instantly caught up in it, and Liam watches her fondly for a moment. "Thank you for coming with me this morning" he mumbles and Zayn just smiles at him "of course Li. I knew you needed us there" Zayn answers. Liam just opens his arms, happy when Zayn cuddles into him, "I love you Li" Zayn yawns and Liam chuckles "I love you too" Liam murmurs and despite the way the day started out he couldn't be more content right now.

A/N: Look an update...sorry it wasn't up sooner guys, but I've been very sick this week and it hasn't been any fun. 
I hope you all enjoyed these two chapters, let me know what you thought. 
Until next time xoxo

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