Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Dumbledore finished his speech after all the sortings were finished and food appeared all over the table. You and Draco both let go of each other’s hands to start to eat. He had been holding your hand under the table every since you sat down. That made you smile when you thought about it.

You looked over the table and decided to grab some chicken, potatoes, green beans and toast. All of the food was so good.

“So, Autumn, are you still up for me and Ron teaching you some Quidditch?” Harry said as Ron looked up with a face full of food. They both looked over at Draco quickly and then back at you. Draco seemed emotionless.

“Definitely! When and where?” you asked.

“How about Saturday? We won’t have any classes to worry about.”

“Sounds good. Are you guys on the team?”

“Harry is captain this year and me and Ginny are trying out.” Ron said.

“That’s great, Harry!” Then something hit you. “Draco, you play Quidditch too, don’t you?”

“Ahh.” He was giving you a ‘don’t go there’ look.

“You should try out, too. Right, Hermione?” you said looking at her for some help. All the guys were already looking at you like you were insane, including Draco.

“Yeah! Draco’s a descent player, Harry. He would be good.”

“Except for when he knocked me off my broom that one year!” Harry said irratively.

“That was in the past.” Hermione said. “Draco’s a good quidditch player. I think you should try out, Draco.”

“Thanks Hermione.”

The rest of dinner was a bit quiet and awkward. You were determined to get them all to be friends, though. They just had to stop being stubborn and realize Draco is different. You and Draco went off. He said he was going to show around the castle. Hermione told us the password which was “Baubles.” You were going to have a talk with Draco because the moment we got up from the table all he did was say that he wasn’t trying out. You didn’t want to have this talk with him. Especially because it made you feel like his mother but he was being stubborn.

~Hermione’s POV~

You were back at the common room with Harry and Ron. You were all sitting by the fire. Everyone else was in their rooms setting their stuff up. Harry and Ron had been complaining to you.

“Hermione, why in the blood hell would you encourage this whole Malfoy thing? He’s a git; he always has been. Autumn is going to get hurt by him. She doesn’t know him as well as we do.” Ron said.

“He is obviously is different then he used to or the hat wouldn’t have wanted to re-sort him. That never happens! He changed.” You were trying to not give anything away. They were never going to like him until they know everything with the prophecies and how he helped Autumn at the camp. They needed to know everything about Autumn’s problem. This was useless trying to convince them.

“Exactly, Hermione. That NEVER happens so why would it all of a sudden change with Malfoy? This could be something of Voldemort’s doing.” Harry said.

“Dumbledore trusts him. That’s all I need.”

“How do you know Dumbledore trusts him?” Harry asked.

Crap, I said too much. She needs to tell them soon. They are driving me crazy. “I, I could tell by the way he agreed to re-sorting him.”

“Do you hear yourself, Hermione?” Ron said.

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