Chapter 5

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You all started rowing away from the dock. You and Rachel had never been canoeing before so the guys helped you out. Rachel watched as they taught you so she could do it when it was your turn to sit out. You weren’t very good at it. The paddle kept slipping out of your hands because it would get caught in the current. You would catch it right before it fell in the water. Kara laughed at you. She seemed like she had done this before.

“Jeez, Autumn.” She said. “It’s like she is trying to row with a bar of soap!” Aaron joked.

You laughed and whined, “It keeps getting caught in the current.” You all started laughing.

You were at least 50 yards away from the dock now. Everyone was still laughing and making jokes about your rowing when you saw your spot with the bench a little father up. You just starred at the spot until you got a little closer. You had stopped rowing when you noticed someone sitting on the bench. *Oh my god, It’s the guy from last night!*

You looked closer and saw him just starring. He seemed, worried or upset or something. Then you saw him put his head in his hands. *I hope he is alright.*

*Wait hold it, I don’t even know this guy.*

*I want to though.*


“Autumn, hellooo? Are you okay?”

“What? Oh, sorry.” You quickly started rowing again and you dropped it in the water. “Shit.” you said to your self. You went to go reach for the paddle when Rachel picked it up out of the water. You looked up at her.

“It’s okay, I got it from here.” She said kindly.

You smiled and said “Thanks.”

You looked back at the bench for him but he was gone.

You all were on the water for about 5 hours. You had went through all of the mini rivers and got off at one of them and walked through a few trails. You came across a little waterfall where you splashed each other. You could see a lot of flirting from Seth to Rachel, it was really cute. Then you all headed back to dock to get a late lunch at the café.

It was fun. You all joked around and you felt comfortable around everyone. It seemed like they liked you too. It was around 4 o’ clock now. The day was just flying by. Rachel and Aaron had to go to get ready for dinner because their families were having dining together. Kara was really tired so she just went back to her cabin. You told everyone that you were going to get some good sketches before the sunset. You had told them before that you liked to draw and they said that they wanted to see your sketches at some point. Seth just went to go hang out with some other people.

You started walking back to your cabin to get your sketchbook and a pencil. When you got there you saw a group of guys and a familiar face.

It was Cody. He waved and started walking over to you.

“Hey, guys, this is my sister Autumn.”

They all started to yell, “Hey Autumn.” and one was cooing at you. You smiled and waved back.

Cody yelled over to them, “I’ll catch up with you guys.”

Then he said to you, “So did you meet anyone yet?” He asked.

“Yeah, a few people actually.”

“That’s great, who are they?”

“Ah, I only remember first names. Kara, Aaron, Rachel, and Seth. Then a few of Harry, Hermione and Ron’s friends last night.”

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