Chapter 19

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You got to the girl’s bathroom on the train. You felt really weird still from everything that happened to you and Draco in the compartment so you went over to the sinks and splashed your face with cold water. It made you feel a little bit better. You attempted to dry your face with your arm but it didn’t work very well.

*Thank god no one else was in the bathroom to see you doing that.*

Then the door opened. You glanced in the mirror to see who it was. Hermione! She was already in her uniform. You turned around to greet her. “Hey Hermione!”

“Hey!” she looked down at what you were wearing. “Autumn, why aren’t you in your uniform yet? We’ll be there in ten minutes! You should have changed an hour ago.”

“Oh,” you looked down. “I didn’t know.”

“Well hurry up! I’ll wait for you. I was just coming in to wash my hands. Ron smashed his chocolate frog and I had to clean it up for him because it was all over his robe…”

You laughed at that but went into a stall to change right away because she didn’t find it as funny as you. Once you were changed you walked out and Hermione was waiting for you. “Are you nervous?” Hermione asked as you two walked down the train towards your compartments.

“A little. But just because it’s a new routine to get used to and new people. I’m excited too though.”

“That’s good. You’ll like it. Hogwarts is great. What house do you want to be in?”

“Honestly I really don’t care. I just hope I can fit in, you know?”

“Yeah, you will. Don’t worry. And you always have me, Ron, Ginny and Harry anyway so don’t sweat it. This is my compartment. I’ll see you later!”

“Thanks Hermione.” You said as she walked through the door.

You finally got to back to your compartment when you saw a few people in it with Draco. You blinked a few times.

*Oh. My. God!*

There was Kara, Seth, Rachel and Aaron sitting talking to Draco. Draco saw you from outside the door and immediately opened it for you. “Look who I found for you.” Draco smirked at you. They were all smiling up at you. You walked in and gave them all a hug.

“You guys are all okay! I was so worried!”

“We’re fine. We were really worried about you, too! We didn’t hear anything about you!” Rachel said. They didn’t hear anything about you! That made you feel really relieved.

“Do any of you actually know why they attacked the camp ground?” Kara asked.

“I have no idea. My dad said they have a new mission but he wouldn’t tell me what it was.” Kara said. You stayed quiet and so did Draco.

“I didn’t hear anything at all.” Seth said. Aaron didn’t say anything as usual and Rachel just agreed with Seth. We talked to them until the train stopped. They had to leave to go get their stuff from their compartment. It made you feel better though. It definitely got your mind off of what happened before! After they left and the train stopped you and Draco got your bags and started to walk off the train with everyone.

~Fast forward to arriving in the school~

You walked through the giant doors into the school with Draco, Rachel, Kara, Aaron and Seth. They were pointing people out to you and showing you different halls and rooms as you passed them with all the students.

“Where are we all going?” you asked.

“The great hall for the first year’s sorting and feast.” Kara said matter-of-factly. That all of a sudden sent butterflies through your stomach.

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