Chapter 8

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Draco walked out from the door and came next to you. You stood up and looked up at him. He was at least a whole head taller than you. You felt so tiny next to him. His beautiful blue/ grey eyes, now resembling more blue, looked down at you. They make you want to melt they are so breath taking. You saw a small smile creep across his face as you looked at each other. You smiled back at him and waited for him to kiss or hug you.

You were startled when he said in a monotone voice, “The door I just came through is the bathroom. I put some fresh, warm towels out for you. In the bath is soap, shampoo, and conditioner you can use.” He paused and you looked at him. He seemed concerned all of the sudden. He had a very plain expression on.

You looked him in the eyes and noticed that they lost their blue tint and looked more grayish. He didn’t look back at you directly so you just nodded your head and started to walk to the bathroom. It looked like he was trying to hide something from you. *Had I done something to upset him?*

“Oh…” he said.

You spun around to face him as he started to speak. Maybe he realized you were a bit taken back by his mood swing. “If you leave your clothes by the door I’ll wash them for you and put them back in before you finish showering.”

“Okay, thanks.” You said shyly and continued to walk to the bathroom.

~Draco’s POV~

You were getting the bathroom ready for Autumn. You walked out and over to her. She was sitting on your bed. She stood up and looked up at you. You smiled at her.

*God, she is so beautiful. I want her to be mine forever, I’ll do anything for this girl now. I don’t ever want to hurt her. I want her to be mine.*

You were going to kiss her but then you felt you face flush from the thought that just came to your mind.

*What if something happens to her? How the fuck am I suppose to protect her from The Da- I mean Voldermort? I have to tell her and she is going to be so scared. I can’t bare that. I don’t want her to worry, but I can’t do this without an explanation. She can’t be around those filth parents of hers. What am I going to do?*

“The door I just came through is the bathroom. I put some fresh, warm towels out for you. In the bath is soap, shampoo, and conditioner you can use.” You needed to think. You didn’t want her too see your worrying.

She nodded her head and started to walk to the bathroom.

“Oh…” you said. She spun around. “If you leave your clothes by the door I’ll wash them for you and put them back in before you finish showering.” She seemed disappointed and concerned but you couldn’t tell her yet. You wish it was all a lie of what you’ve heard from being a death eater but it was all true and there was nothing you could do about the facts. It was hard to imagine that a few days ago you were miserable, falling into your father’s footsteps. And now your helping one of Voldemort’s prime victims who your pretty sure you’re in love with. Both ways are pretty dangerous, this way maybe more.

~Draco’s POV Ends~

You stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around yourself. The shower felt really nice on your skin. You combed out your hair with Draco’s brush that was on the counter. When you got yourself dried off you picked your clean clothes up. They were folded in a neat pile and smelled really good. You didn’t have any under garment so you grabbed you wand and bikini top. “Rastitcherda.” It began to restitch you bikini into a stapless bra. That spell came in handy when you didn’t want to carry a bra and panties. You would reverse the spell later. You put the bikini/bra on and you bikini bottom on. Then you grabbed your skirt and tube top and put them on. You walked out of the bathroom while you towel dried your hair. Draco wasn’t in the room. You looked out on his balcony for him and he wasn’t there either. Then you went to the porch and you saw him sitting there on a bench. You quietly opened the door but he still heard you. He looked over and smiled at you warmly.

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