Chapter 2

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You put the key in the lock and opened the door. You walked in with your bags and looked around.

The carpet was maroon and the walls where painted a cream color. You turned on the lamp that that was on a wooden table along the wall. Right next to the table was a small couch. On another wall was a large beautifully furnished queen sized bed with nightstand next to it.

You turned around and saw a large dresser with a mirror. You began putting your clothes into it. When you finished you went into the bathroom that was through a door right next to the dresser and put your toiletries away.

When you walked out of the bathroom you noticed a large dark red curtain hanging. You pulled it way and there was a large half circle shaped window. You looked through and saw a beautiful view of the lake.

You stood there starring at it for a while. You looked at the clock on the nightstand. It said 6:45.

You rushed to find something to wear. You found a fancy silk tank top you got before summer started and a pair of form fitting bootcut jeans. Then threw on a pair of black Coach sneakers. You knew your parents couldn’t get too mad at you for not wearing something really fancy. It was a forest you all are in anyway.

Then you put on some makeup. Your usual black mascara, black eyeliner, a natural, sparkly eye shadow color, and mineral powder cover-up. Not too much though. You believed in natural beauty. Then magically curled your hair. You didn’t bother bringing your wand. You didn’t think you would need it.

You went over to the door that lead to your brother’s room and knocked because his side was locked still. He opened it and said, “Jeez, you take a while.”

“Well I’m a girl. What do you expect?” He laughed at you and you both started to walk out of the cabin.

You walked through the door and onto the porch. You waited for Cody as he locked the doors behind him. When he finished you asked, “Where is the ferry?”

“Next to the lobby.”

“Okay.” You said and both started to walk. “So what are you gonna do after the summer? I mean your finished school. What now?”

“Well, I was thinking I would train to be an aura. You can’t tell mom and dad, though! Got it?”

“Yeah, I won’t. But why won’t you tell them?”

“You just can’t, okay?”

“I won’t, I promise. But that is great!”

He smiled and then pointed to a dock. “That’s where the ferry should be. You hadn’t even realized that you both where walking really fast. You both would be late if you didn’t.

You saw a large boat at the end of the dock, loading people on. You and Cody ran over and boarded it. You got there right before they closed the door to leave. You looked around for an empty bench. Most of them were all full though. When you found one there where already 3 people on it. There where 2 boys on the end and a girl next to the empty seat.

The three of them seemed to be your age. The girl had curly, light brown hair. She was pretty. One boy had red hair, the other brown.

“Are these seats being used?” You asked the girl friendly.

“Oh, no. Come, sit down.” She said enthusiastically.

You sat next to her and your brother sat on the other side of you. Just then you felt the boat start to move.

“The girl turned to you and said, “Hi, my names Hermione Granger and this is Harry Potter and Ron Weasley.” Harry Potter? Oh wow… You’ve heard of him, he’s amazing.

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