Chapter 16

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The rest of the summer was okay. When you were with Draco you were happy and loved being with him. Theo came to visit once but he couldn’t stay long or his parents would otice and ask him where he was. Although, you both weren’t aloud to go anywhere without Tonks or Lupin you still had fun.

Everything was fine with Draco after that day of shopping but inside you were scared to death. You had no idea, still, where your brother was and you hadn’t seen or heard anything of your friends you met at Evergreen Lodge. You were constantly worried that the death eaters would attack, or worse, Voldemort would show up. You still felt it was your fault for everything no matter what Draco said. You couldn’t get rid of the guilt you were feeling. You were scared and you rarely let Draco see it.

School started in two days and to be honest you couldn’t wait. Hogwarts just seemed like a place you could feel safe with Draco and friends and experienced wizards always around (teachers). Tonks was taking you and Draco to go to Diagon Alley to get your school stuff tomorrow. You had to get your books, robes, etc.

You somewhat excited to actually go out somewhere but still nervous as ever. You couldn’t sleep as you lay in bed. Draco was a sleep in his bedroom. You didn’t want him to sleep with you lately because you would wake up and start to cry sometimes. You didn’t want him to know so you asked him if you could sleep alone for a while. He agreed and didn’t ask questions.


“Autumn, wake up.” You slowly opened your eyes to see Draco leaning over you with his soft blue eyes. He moved the hair from your face and kissed you on the forehead.

“Good morning, love.”

“Good morning.” You said sleepily. You barely got any sleep and you kept waking up scared. “How’d you sleep?”

“Good. You?”

“Pretty good. You better get ready. We are leaving in a half an hour.”

“Why didn’t you wake me?” you asked concerned about the time.

“Tried. You were out of it so I let you sleep.”

“Oh.” You frowned as you sat up.

“It’s okay babe. We’ll wait.”

“I won’t take too long. Just a quick shower.”

He nodded and you ran into the bathroom to get ready. You scrunched your hair quickly after your showered and threw it up in a messy pony tail. You put on jeans and grey scoop neck shirt with tiny beads embroidered.

“Ready.” You said walking out into the kithen where Draco and Tonks sat talking. Tonk’s handed you a muffin and pumpkin juice to eat for breakfast. You ate it quickly and then you all got in the fireplace to use the floo powder. You landed in a busy street way with hundreds of people walking around.

Draco handed you a list and you looked at it.

Miss Levine,

Welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We are very thrilled to have you joining us this year. We don’t normally have new students so this is a rare occasion. We presume you to have the basics of a wand, cauldron, etc. seeing as you attended Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. Please come with the following items:

Books & Equipment-

Standard Book of Spells (Grade 6)

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