[Chapter Forty-Eight]

Comenzar desde el principio

There were a lot of responses and so I took that as everyone.

"Alright." Chase handed me the knife and put his hand over mine, it reminded me of cutting the cake at our wedding. We cut into it and pulled the knife back to cut into the other side and make a slice.

"I see blue!" someone yelled and I looked at the knife to see some blue icing on it. Some people cheered that were wearing blue and we cut the other side and pulled the piece out. To reveal the pink and blue mixture.

Everyone was so happy for us I ended up, once again, in tears. No one judged though as we accepted their congratulations. Those who were wearing all blue took something pink and those who were just in pink grabbed some blue.

"Be honest, who guessed correctly? Before you answer I do have your guesses recorded." Only about six people guessed fraternal, including Monica and Riley.

"And now who wants to hear the names?" Chase asked and everyone cheered again. There were phones everywhere taking video and photos of our special moment and once everyone settled down, I didn't even have to yell for everyone to hear me.

"Our son will be named after two important people in my life. Markus Riley Rodriguez." Riley nodded to us and I could tell by his face that he felt emotional about that. His son was named after Chase and Riley was tied for the most important man in my life.

"And our daughter's going to be named after two of the most important women in my life. Her name will be Maria Rochelle Rodriguez." I looked to Rochelle and she covered her mouth and her eyes filled with tears. She instantly came over to hug me.

Monica was my sister and we were close, but no one could ever compare to Rochelle.

"Really?" she asked me and I nodded to her. Riley came over to give us a hug too, starting a long round of hugs

"Two perfect names." Riley told me and Monica agreed.

"I'm really happy for you. I know how close you and Riley are and I hope that these two will feel that love, the same kind that Lina and Mia feel too. It's definitely a bond to be jealous of." Lina was named after her sister and Mia was after my mother, just missing a couple letters.

I knew how happy it made my mother that Mia was named after her, I knew that she would have cried if she was here with us, she would be honored that we named our daughter after her and I hoped to be even half the mother to my Maria as my mother was to me.

I knew they weren't here, but all I wanted to strive to be was like them; kind and gentle people who shared their wealth to help people, parents who loved their two children more than anything else. When they scheduled around us, they always said that money was meaningless without us.

That's why Stealing Cinderella was mine and my father's song; he was never too busy for me. When they expanded they took us with them and exposed us to different cultures. I looked over at Riley holding Miguel and those two were perfect. Riley looked just like dad and Miguel looked like a little angel.

I wanted that kind of love, to hold Markus and Maria and have other see me look at them like that.

His family was his world.

Once again I think of all the things they went through together, all the shit Monica put up with for Riley, he wouldn't be the man he is without her and I loved her more than words for that.

Family; t didn't matter who shared what DNA; the people here who came to celebrate this with us were family. They'll forever be part of this chapter in our lives.

Monica wanted a picture with the four of us and I touched Rochelle's stomach as she reached over to touch mine. It was great to discover lately what true happiness was again and even better that after twenty years, it was still the four of us; just with a few extras.

So what do you think of their names? <3

If you want to know about updates first, follow my facebook page (livelifeintherain) or my profile chelsraindrops(gmail.com)   

Good News! A LGBT portal has been added to The Prose as of March 7th.
So all of you openly gay, lesbian, bi, questioning, pan, etc come on over :)
doesn't believe in censoring you! You can write a short erotic, poems and anything in between.

My hope is that it will become a place where everyone is free to show that part of themselves and that we can pull those who are not out yet or questioning to see a fun and safe place to more explore their sexuality and read from those who are so positive and open about the LGBTQ community <3

I myself am bisexual and am so happy to be able to have brought that category over and i would just love to see it grow over there. (It's a safe place, the only thing not allowed on there is bullying!)

My username is CMB there and it's the easiest thing to set up a profile. You can be as open or anonymous as you want !

Link in the external!

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