"Come here you guys," I whispered. Quickly they came over and we did one big group hug. "We are going to miss you, Princess," Anthony whispered back and Sarina nodded quickly as she wiped her tears away. I wiped mine as well.

"Be true to yourself, Jamie. And don't let Parker force you into anything. You know you always have the right to say no, even if he is an Alpha," Sarina said seriously. I nodded my head.

Anthony placed a hand on my shoulder. "If he does hurt you in any way, tell me so I can beat the shit out of him and make sure to break every bone in his body," he said through clenched teeth. I smiled at his protectiveness. His mate is going to be lucky to have him. My mate deserves better than again, he's done some bad things too. I gave them both one last hug before someone cleared their throat from behind us.

I turned around and Parker nodded towards the car, "Its time to go." I nodded my head swallowing the lump in my throat and turned towards my family and friends. "Bye guys, I love you all and I'm going to miss you. I'll come to visit!" They all bid more good-byes as I opened the back door because someone was already in the passenger seat. I'm guessing he's the Beta or Delta.

I closed the door and made myself comfortable in the seat. Parker sat in the driver's seat and put the car in drive. The car pulled away from my house and it drove down the road. I didn't bother looking out the window, afraid that I would break down into tears as I watched my childhood disappear.

'Its going to be ok, we're with our mate,' Irene soothed from inside my head. I frowned at her.

'Like that's supposed to be any better,' I remarked.


My eyes widened. Did I hear her correctly? Did she just agree with me about our mate?

'Yes I did, now shut up,' Irene snapped I laughed at her before tuning her out and facing back to reality. It was then that I noticed the man sitting next to me on the left. It was silent in the car except for the conversation Parker and the man in the front were having.

Maybe I should start a conversation because I'm bored as hell.

"Hi," I greeted to the man next to me. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. I narrowed my eyes at him. He quickly averted his eyes and looked out the window.

This guy. What the hell is his problem?

"Hey," I snapped at him. Quickly he snapped his head to me and gave me a nervous look. "Yes, Luna?" I blinked at him. Did he just call me Luna? That's new...

I covered up my shock my crossing my arms, "Didn't you know that it is rude to ignore people when they are trying to talk to you?" The man's eyes widened as he opened and closed his mouth like he couldn't think of anything to say.

"I-I'm sorry, Luna, but I was given orders not to communicate with you." My frown deepened as I rolled my eyes. Of course Parker would do that. Asshole.

I'm not going to give up on actually getting to know someone from the Lunar Shadow Pack, this guy is my first opportunity.

"What's your name?" I tried again. The man looked hesitant at first before he answered me, "Jonas, I'm the Delta." Oh cool, so like Nick Jonas. I'm sorry, I just had to bring him up. The song Jealous is my jam.

"Cool, I'm Jasmine. Of course you probably already know that..." I trailed off. Jonas chuckled and nodded his head, "I know."

Great, so Parker has talked about me. I wonder what he says.

The car became silent once again. I decided to read some Wattpad so I pull my phone out and start reading the story Forever Mine, I suggest reading it, it's really good. I was so engrossed in Zach and Rachel's relationship I didn't realize the car stopped.

I looked up from my phone and realized we were at the borders and the wolves on patrol duty inspected the car.

The car then started up again. I watched the trees passed by until my vision wasn't clear anymore. At some point, I drifted off into a slumber.




I jolted awake as I felt someone shake me awake. My eyes focused on the person in front of me.

"Luna, we are here," Jonas spoke. I let out a yawn and rubbed my eyes. I quickly wiped my mouth for any drool and hope I didn't snore.

I sat up straight in my seat and allowed my eyes to wonder out the window which landed on an enormous house. It looked so nice, modern, and well taken care of. I'm guessing this is the Alpha's house. It's much bigger than Alpha Bryan's house.

How does someone live here all by them self?

The house was surrounded by trees and was off by itself away from everyone else, in solitude. Usually the Alpha's house is near the pack house with the Beta and Delta. This pack is different.

"Why is Parker's house by itself?" I couldn't help but ask. Now's a good time since Parker was outside the car talking with his Beta.

"Alpha likes to be alone," Jonas simply replied.


That's not really a healthy relationship, according to my father. He told me that a healthy pack is where the Alpha spends time with it and gets to know his pack members.

But I guess it's different for this pack. The Lunar Pack is known for its torturing to rogues to get information or even pack members who break rules. There have been rumors saying that the either use beatings to get answers, I've heard they use shock collars or even tried drowning. I definitely don't want to find out if it's true.

My door opened revealing the Beta. "Hello Luna, I'm Zander, your Beta. Alpha had to go take care of some pack business so Jonas and I will escort you to your room."

Wow, so he just leaves me here and doesn't even want to share a room? I'm not complaining though, more privacy for me.

"Ok, thank you," I said as I climbed out of the car and made a move to grab my belongings but Zander stopped me. "It's fine Luna. We'll get it."

I frowned. I didn't really like the idea of being called Luna. "Please don't call me Luna," I said while letting out a small sigh. It was Zander's turn to frown. "Really, Luna, I don't think that–" I cut him off, "It's fine, just call me Jasmine."

Jonas and Zander both looked hesitant before nodding. They both grabbed all of my bags making me feel useless. I followed them into the house.

I gaped at how clean it was. All of the furniture was either white or black. The walls were painted a nice maroon color making everything look nice and cozy. Their was a staircase at the end of the hallway passed all the door frames that led to another room. It was like one giant maze.

I followed the men up the stairs and down the hallway at the top of the stairs. I noticed that there wasn't any pictures of anything except some simple pictures of nature here and there.

The stopped at a door and opened it for me. I stepped in and my mouth fell open. The walls of the room was a nice creme color. A huge giant window was on one side of the room that gave me a view of the forest and beyond it. My eyes landed on a huge King size bed with a nice white fluffy comforter laid on it.

I can't wait to sleep in that.

My eyes focused on the giant framed picture above my bed. It was a hand-painted rose. I continued to stare at the picture. I made my way closer to get a better look at it but Zander's voice brought me back to reality.

"Alright, Lu–Jasmine," he quickly recovered before continuing," my apologies. Well we have work to do so make yourself at home." And with that both Jonas and Zander left leaving me all alone in this unfamiliar house.


Here's chapter ten! Hope you guys liked it!


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